Tuesday, August 23, 2011


The paragraph below was taken from the Bidwell Mansion SP web site, (like you could not tell that on your own) this way the facts are right. I managed to impress Suz and Frank with a private tour of the mansion. Our guide was a collage student in his last year of school, he is studying history so this is his perfect job.

Bidwell Mansion State Historic Park is a beautiful, three-story, 26 room Victorian House Museum that stands as a memorial to John and Annie Bidwell. John Bidwell was known throughout California and across the nation as an important pioneer, farmer, soldier, statesman, politician and philanthropist. Annie Ellicott Kennedy Bidwell, the daughter of a socially prominent, high ranking Washington official, was deeply religious, and committed to a number of moral and social causes. Annie was very active in the suffrage and prohibition movements."
Each fire place has a different foo finish on them this one was made to look like marble. The vases was given to the Bidwells from the China Ambassador. The wall hanging is made with human hair, they would save hair from there brushes. This wall hanging represents many generations of the family's hair, it is woven into flower, very interesting. Can't you imagine, "Oh is that Aunt Martha or Great Grandma hair in that flower?"
The mansion had flush toilets and running water several years before most homes. The fireplace shown here has a leopard finish. The furniture is from the period when the Bidwells lived in the house, not their furniture. At one time the Mansion was used as a dorm for collage students. It was also at one time used as class rooms for the collage. You can imagine how much work it took to get the mansion back in shape. Have been to the Mansion at least 5 times and enjoy the visit as much as the first time. There is always something new or different.
Our tour guide is also a Geocacher so he told us were to look for a chache in the yard. After Frank found the cache we went on to tour the buggies. We had such a fun time.

After getting back to Corning we went on another tour, Lucero Mill but I did not get that many pictures so that post will have to wait for another day.... plus it will give me an excuse to go back.

Enjoyed Frank and Suz's visit, they got on the road this morning and make it as far as Baldini Casino in Reno NV. Thanks FO&S for the visit. Who's next?????

Till next time..........B

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