Saturday, August 20, 2011


This summer JP and Bryce was in a stage production " Camp Rock" they gave me a CD of the performance I am so excited to get the chance to once again see my boys perform.
Football season is here and in full swing, today was the first time I had a chance to watch Bryce play. The last two pictures are of the boys when the National Anthem is being played, and then after it is over they all raise there helmets above there heads. That is Rhonda's favorite part. The play pix's speak for themselves, I sure do not what is going on. The ending score was 6-7, not in our favor, next time will be better.
First Pix is of Jace taking his cousin Nate for a carnival ride, looked like JP was getting the worst of the ride. Had not seen Gauge in a while, he seems a lot more calm but still very playful, see the red thingie, well he tries to put that and the socker ball in his mouth at the same time, almost did it too. Here is Bryce and I trying to look in the sun and have our pix taken....does not make a pretty picture. At the fair I had Ribbon fries, a taco (not shown) and Pupsa it is a Salvadoran dish make with a thick hand made tortilla, with pork and cheese cooked inside, they are yummy.

Fun day was had by all, but enough fairs for me this year. B

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