Saturday, August 13, 2011


It is now 2011 and what a difference 2 years make....

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Trace working with his cow Peanut at the beginning of training. It was unfortunate that the Vet rejected Peanut and there was no replacement suitable. When it came to show day Cassiday shared Cory with Trace and they won a Blue ribbon.

It is always interesting to see the kids when they first start working with their cows. They push and pull and finally they reach an understanding and start working as one.

Show day and you can feel the excitement in the air. Chelsea with Lucy, Haley with Roxy and Cassidy with Cory were more than ready to "strut their stuff". I think the only ones that were nervous was the Parents and Grand Parents.

Chelsea and Lucy were awarded Reserve Junior Champion Showman.

Hailey and Roxy were awarded Intermediate Champion Showman.

Cassidy and Cory were awarded Junior Champion showman.

Here are some candid shots on show day, Trace worked hard at keeping the stalls clean. The girls practiced having their pictures taken before show time. Of course the Papa's,Mamma's, Grandparents and Aunt had to let everyone know how proud they are.

GOOD JOB we are proud of our 4-H'ers.

See you next year B
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Wednesday, August 12, 2009


This year there was 4 kids, Trace, Cassidy, Haley and Chelsie and what a fun time. We started out at the commercial building and checked out some of the exhibits the first one was old sewing machines, clothing, cradles, irons etc. Everyone learned how to sew a button on, well not everyone I did not. If I have a missing button I just buy a new garment.

In the commercial building they hadBungee Jumping Haley and Chelsie had never done this before and they did awesome. Of course Trace and Cassidy are old hands at the bungee jumping.
It took some time but I finally got all the kids rounded up and took a break.....

The only pictures I took of the kid riding was on the bumper cars, because I was with them on most other rides. They had a ball on the cars, Haley and Chelsie got ripped off with a short ride' Trace and Cassidy'sride was about 3 times as long.....go figure.

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