Friday, August 12, 2011


Wayne posted on "send gas money" who won what so today I am pictures and not much information.

Here is Cassidy before going into the show ring. Uncle Mark giving her a few pointers I am sure. She always has a big smile in the show ring, just like she should.
Hailey is a little more serious in the ring when the judge is not looking, BIG smile when he is looking, but that is what your suppose to do.
Chelsea now she is the queen of smiles all the time she is in the show ring. If she was any happier in the SR she would be skipping around the ring.
Trace and the biggest smile I have seen on him in a long time, holding his ribbons. He had to really work for those ribbons today. Of course he has his serious moments too.
Great Grandmas, Grandmas, Grandpas, Aunts, Uncles, and even the day care family came out to cheer the 4Hers on. Thanks everyone for making this a fun time for all.

Good work Cassidy, Hailey, Chelsea, and Trace, let's do this again next year...... B

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