Saturday, August 06, 2011


Doug, Tami, Trace and Cassidy took us to Portland for the day. As we arrived in Portland we spotted a Bugerville that was celebrating its birthday and there was a blueberry advertising this month shake. On down the street I snapped a picture of the entrance of China Town. Our first stop was Powell's City of Books. This store is four floors and takes up a city block. The store has 68,000 square foot of book shelves, has several gift shops and a coffee shop.

The yellow post is called THE SF POST , science fiction/fantasy/horror authors who have visited Powell's. Each room is named after a color, you really do need to have a map to get around this building. Every room has at least one counter with a computer and a person to help you find what you need, or just answer questions. What a wonderful place, I had a great time, while Wayne sat and people watched.
Lunch was at "Big Little Burgers", we arrived just right and got our order in before the line formed.... in Portland there are lines where ever you go. The only thing they have here is burgers and fries, choices for the burgers are lettuce pickles, onions, 2 kinds of cheese and drinks. The place is small as you can see by the picture, but they sure do a booming business. Yum yum yummy.
On to Jones Cup Cakes, they sure looked good but I could not have any......there was a Ben and Jerry's next door so I has Ice cream. I will let the pictures tell the story here.
The only new place Tami has found this year in Portland is the Army Surplus store, that store is so crammed full of stuff it is hard to walk threw the store and it is hard to see everything. The first thing I spotted was a sock monkey so I had to send Rhonda a picture. Wayne held his had up to the BIG skillet so you can tell how big it is. The pirate had fish hooks in his nose, lips and cheeks, cool but kinda gross. It was a fun store, for once I did not buy anything.

After our shopping at the surplus store, Wayne decided he wanted something sweet since he did not have a cup cake or ice cream. SOOOOOO off we go to the famous VooDoo Donut store, this is another place where we had at least 15 people ahead of us. That was OK since it is fun to people watch, there was a old man in a strip top going around and a mid length skirt with stripes going up and down. Oh so much to see here. Here are some samples of there donuts, hope you can enlarge this picture big enough to read the menu, they are very creative with naming there donuts.

That is it for now......B

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