Saturday, August 27, 2011


Today is the Olive festival at Woodson park here in Corning, we went around 10ish before it got to hot. Nice turn out with the vendors, Miss Olive informed me there was 91 this year. All the time I was at the park I was to busy visiting to remember to take pictures, so at the last minute I took some pixs for the blog. There were 4 or 5 different Olive booths. Of course I had to take samples at all the booths. My favorite are the black olives, when I got home I smiled and black olives was stuck in my teeth and made me look like I had rotten teeth......well not really but it could have happened.

While out we had to stop at the casino and for once I did good, by accident tho'. I was playing "Raking it in" and hit max bet ($2.00) instead of hitting .40cents I hit repay and hit a jackpot and won $68.00 needless to say I cached in!!!!

Guess we are in for the day, W thinks it is hot..................B

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Tuesday, August 23, 2011


The paragraph below was taken from the Bidwell Mansion SP web site, (like you could not tell that on your own) this way the facts are right. I managed to impress Suz and Frank with a private tour of the mansion. Our guide was a collage student in his last year of school, he is studying history so this is his perfect job.

Bidwell Mansion State Historic Park is a beautiful, three-story, 26 room Victorian House Museum that stands as a memorial to John and Annie Bidwell. John Bidwell was known throughout California and across the nation as an important pioneer, farmer, soldier, statesman, politician and philanthropist. Annie Ellicott Kennedy Bidwell, the daughter of a socially prominent, high ranking Washington official, was deeply religious, and committed to a number of moral and social causes. Annie was very active in the suffrage and prohibition movements."
Each fire place has a different foo finish on them this one was made to look like marble. The vases was given to the Bidwells from the China Ambassador. The wall hanging is made with human hair, they would save hair from there brushes. This wall hanging represents many generations of the family's hair, it is woven into flower, very interesting. Can't you imagine, "Oh is that Aunt Martha or Great Grandma hair in that flower?"
The mansion had flush toilets and running water several years before most homes. The fireplace shown here has a leopard finish. The furniture is from the period when the Bidwells lived in the house, not their furniture. At one time the Mansion was used as a dorm for collage students. It was also at one time used as class rooms for the collage. You can imagine how much work it took to get the mansion back in shape. Have been to the Mansion at least 5 times and enjoy the visit as much as the first time. There is always something new or different.
Our tour guide is also a Geocacher so he told us were to look for a chache in the yard. After Frank found the cache we went on to tour the buggies. We had such a fun time.

After getting back to Corning we went on another tour, Lucero Mill but I did not get that many pictures so that post will have to wait for another day.... plus it will give me an excuse to go back.

Enjoyed Frank and Suz's visit, they got on the road this morning and make it as far as Baldini Casino in Reno NV. Thanks FO&S for the visit. Who's next?????

Till next time..........B

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Saturday, August 20, 2011


This summer JP and Bryce was in a stage production " Camp Rock" they gave me a CD of the performance I am so excited to get the chance to once again see my boys perform.
Football season is here and in full swing, today was the first time I had a chance to watch Bryce play. The last two pictures are of the boys when the National Anthem is being played, and then after it is over they all raise there helmets above there heads. That is Rhonda's favorite part. The play pix's speak for themselves, I sure do not what is going on. The ending score was 6-7, not in our favor, next time will be better.
First Pix is of Jace taking his cousin Nate for a carnival ride, looked like JP was getting the worst of the ride. Had not seen Gauge in a while, he seems a lot more calm but still very playful, see the red thingie, well he tries to put that and the socker ball in his mouth at the same time, almost did it too. Here is Bryce and I trying to look in the sun and have our pix taken....does not make a pretty picture. At the fair I had Ribbon fries, a taco (not shown) and Pupsa it is a Salvadoran dish make with a thick hand made tortilla, with pork and cheese cooked inside, they are yummy.

Fun day was had by all, but enough fairs for me this year. B

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Thursday, August 18, 2011


This is a picture of Mt. Shasta taken at the Weed rest area. You will have to enlarge the picture and you will see the very top of Shasta. Sue bet you do not have this kind of pix!!!!
If you have read "send gas money" you will know we got home on Monday and Tuesday fsrver's arrived. So good to see Frank and Suz we let them get set up and rest a little on Tuesday and then Wednesday we took them caching. They found a dozen or so, fun time as always. For some reason they are not really impressed with the weather and it has not hit 100 yet.

Tonight we are going to eat at home for a change, burn some steaks on the BBQ and kick back and relax.

Thats all the new for now.......B

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Saturday, August 13, 2011


This is also our last day at the fair. One of my favorite places at the fair is the commercial building and all the exhibits. Tami and Becky talked me into making a box and it turned out good. Took a lot of concentration. Every day at the fair we had to go to the Dairy Women's booth and have a milkshake. The milkshakes are the best.
Monster trucks....woo hoo, not much of a show, it is a taste of what you get if you come back tonight. It was fun but also loud.
Trace wanted to do the climbing wall and Cassidy wanted to jump. I was thinking Trace had done the wall before, but I looked up the fair from 2009, and it was only the jump the kids did. Since I was looking up old blogs I went ahead and posted two old blog from the fair in 2009, check it out, you can see what a difference 2 years makes.

Next blog from Corning...............B
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It is now 2011 and what a difference 2 years make....

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Trace working with his cow Peanut at the beginning of training. It was unfortunate that the Vet rejected Peanut and there was no replacement suitable. When it came to show day Cassiday shared Cory with Trace and they won a Blue ribbon.

It is always interesting to see the kids when they first start working with their cows. They push and pull and finally they reach an understanding and start working as one.

Show day and you can feel the excitement in the air. Chelsea with Lucy, Haley with Roxy and Cassidy with Cory were more than ready to "strut their stuff". I think the only ones that were nervous was the Parents and Grand Parents.

Chelsea and Lucy were awarded Reserve Junior Champion Showman.

Hailey and Roxy were awarded Intermediate Champion Showman.

Cassidy and Cory were awarded Junior Champion showman.

Here are some candid shots on show day, Trace worked hard at keeping the stalls clean. The girls practiced having their pictures taken before show time. Of course the Papa's,Mamma's, Grandparents and Aunt had to let everyone know how proud they are.

GOOD JOB we are proud of our 4-H'ers.

See you next year B
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Wednesday, August 12, 2009


This year there was 4 kids, Trace, Cassidy, Haley and Chelsie and what a fun time. We started out at the commercial building and checked out some of the exhibits the first one was old sewing machines, clothing, cradles, irons etc. Everyone learned how to sew a button on, well not everyone I did not. If I have a missing button I just buy a new garment.

In the commercial building they hadBungee Jumping Haley and Chelsie had never done this before and they did awesome. Of course Trace and Cassidy are old hands at the bungee jumping.
It took some time but I finally got all the kids rounded up and took a break.....

The only pictures I took of the kid riding was on the bumper cars, because I was with them on most other rides. They had a ball on the cars, Haley and Chelsie got ripped off with a short ride' Trace and Cassidy'sride was about 3 times as long.....go figure.

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Friday, August 12, 2011


Wayne posted on "send gas money" who won what so today I am pictures and not much information.

Here is Cassidy before going into the show ring. Uncle Mark giving her a few pointers I am sure. She always has a big smile in the show ring, just like she should.
Hailey is a little more serious in the ring when the judge is not looking, BIG smile when he is looking, but that is what your suppose to do.
Chelsea now she is the queen of smiles all the time she is in the show ring. If she was any happier in the SR she would be skipping around the ring.
Trace and the biggest smile I have seen on him in a long time, holding his ribbons. He had to really work for those ribbons today. Of course he has his serious moments too.
Great Grandmas, Grandmas, Grandpas, Aunts, Uncles, and even the day care family came out to cheer the 4Hers on. Thanks everyone for making this a fun time for all.

Good work Cassidy, Hailey, Chelsea, and Trace, let's do this again next year...... B

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Thursday, August 11, 2011


Yesterday the kids had a chance to introduce the cows to the show ring. It was a good session for the cows and the 4H'ers. Tomorrow is show time so here is wishing good luck to our 4H'ers, I am proud of all the work you have done.
This is Freestyle Moto X, every year we are at the fair we watch the afternoon show. It is a warm up for the night show. Really hard to catch the right shot, today I only had my small camera so the pix are not that great.

Kicking back taking a break. The little kids have a great time petting the cows and no fear. Tomorrow will be our last day at the fair....

Will let you know how the judging went tomorrow.................B
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Wednesday, August 10, 2011


This morning at dark-thirty the cows arrived at the fair....thanks to Grandpa Boon. Trace is the only one that has both of his at the fair. One each of the girls cows got sent home because of warts. Granpa Chief and I arrived around elevenish, check out the cows and the headed for the food court, today I had Kula Pig and rice for lunch....Wayne his Irish Sunday (Baked Potato).
After barn duty Trace headed for the commercial building and the giant bubble booth. What a great time he had, if you look close you can see a giant smile on his face as he is falling all over the place. It was fun to watch, Grandpa timed him and he was in the bubble for 10 minutes. Fun time but not something I would want to try.
Souped up tractors and Fire trucks what a combination. The fire trucks were on display in one of the building there was some fire trucks from the 1800's. Now the tractors are another story, one had as many as 5 motors....they are super souped up with big block Chevy motors. Fun to watch but my goodness they were loud. They were so loud the stands were vibrating.

Another fun day at the fair...... B

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Tuesday, August 09, 2011


We arrived around 10:30AM so we would have time to look around before the rides stared at noon. The kids consist of Trace, Chelsea, Cassidy, Haily and Me. As we walked by the fire station they toy fire truck squirted water at Wayne, he acted like he was going to hit it with his cane and the little fire truck ran for the barn. First stop was at the cow barn, while there we found some baby pigs all in a row. Look close at the second pix and you will find a boy curled up sleeping with his cow. The rest are just random shots.
The 4H and commercial building is always a favorite way to kill time while waiting for the carnival to open. Quilts were many and all so very different. Sing read "Metal figure made from found material. Cutter guard, metal table leg, ball bearings and misc metal parts rust for color he is "Fred" Bounty Hunter". Next we have a giant Farris wheel made by a 10 year old boy. The torso is made of medal and jewelry, Minnie Mouse, flowers and Indian maiden figurines....and canning, baking, sewing and all kinds of things not shown. You will have to find an fair in your area and see all the wonders of our kids today.
Here are kids mutton busting, the rules are you can not weigh over 50lbs, no age requirement and the ages this year ranged as young as 3 and as old as 8. This is just one rider a little girl, quite young. She did quite well, click on the pix and it will enlarge and click it again it will enlarge again, just encase some did not know...

Check "send gas money" to see the ride pictures. But I wanted to tell you what rides I went on with the kids. Viper, Ring of fire, Swings, Windsurfer, 1001 Nights, Super Shot, Hay Wire and Big Farris wheel. Not sure how many more years I will still do this, or how many more years the kids will let me go..... Hailey laughed at me and told me I was a "crazy woman" I liked that!!

It was all in all a good time.......B

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Sunday, August 07, 2011


Here are the clowns.....Trace stated it with wondering what a salt lick tasted like, so he gave it a try. Of course after that the girls had to give it a try, even Grandpa Chief got in on the salt licking. The girls are in the back of the car gossiping I am sure. Kevin and Becky are taking a break and watching Trace clipping his cow. The Cows go to the fair on Wed. so it is crunch time.
Tami has the biggest job, overseeing all that is done with the cows, thank goodness for Tami. Quite the cowgirl she is, and such a good teacher for the 4 H'ers. This is Trace getting his cow clipped, he had a little bit of trouble getting his second cow to cooperate but the job got done.
Chelsea's expression says it all, she had a little bit of a time getting her cow in the thingie they put them in to clip there hair. She got the job done, just look at the concentration it takes to get the job done. Way to go Chelsea.
Cassidy has had a hard time this year with her cows, but they are finally coming around. Here she is clipping her cow....I never can remember the cow's names, sorry about that. Once again lots of concentration goes into grooming the cows. Once again the facial expressions tells the story.
Hailey is really serious about grooming her cow, totally focused on the job. Not sure that Hailey even knew I was taking pictures. It did not take her long to get the job done. Keep up the good work Hailey.

Wednesday it the day the cows go to the fair, I am looking forward to seeing all the cow at the fair, seeing all the decorations the 4Her's have been working on. This is there first year as a new club and believe me so much work has been done by all. Tami, Becky, Doug, Kevin and all the 4Her's what a great job you have done.

Tomorrow we are taking Trace, Cassidy, Hailey and Chelsea to the fair and do the rides.... It will be so fun.
More later....B

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