Monday, December 26, 2011


Driving back from the Desert we found this cute "little" critter. This is brown rocks formed in the shape of a lizard. How clever and simple is that? Now I am not even sure what street it was on, it is somewhere in the foothills. You never know what you will find next.

I am just glad in the years that we have been coming to Yuma we have not discovered any of the BIG eight legged thingies . There was a picture of one found a few blocks from us, it was on FB, I had to go by that post real fast.

Oh got to go, I think W is going to take me after Christmas shopping, well at least to Harbor Freight.

Had to edit this post, forgot to say what the lizard was made of.

Went to Dillard's, and Penny's and looked but found nothing I wanted. We went to Harbor Freight and Wayne found all kinds of goodies. Tomorrow I want to go to the Commissary and see if they have any Poppycock (Carmel corn with mixed nuts) if they do they will be on sale now that Christmas is over. Keep your fingers crossed. B

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