Friday, December 02, 2011


At 4:30pm the Rotary's "famous Walt Kammann sausage fry". This is there 53rd year of putting this on. We got there at 4:30pm when it started trying to beat the rush. First stop was to check out the cooking process and they had 5 big BBQ grills going, JJ gave us a sample. 2,000 sausages will be cooked tonight. The first time we went to this was 5 years ago, not sure why it has taken us so long to go back.
On the way into dinner you can preview what you can win at the raffle. The big prize this year is a Wii, I told Wayne I was going to win that one. They have a lot of nice prizes. Now look at that plate, doesn't it look yummy? Well let me tell you it was. If this was not enough you could go back and get more, can you believe that!
Here are some candid shots of the serving line. Some of the dinners, remember this is the first hour they are serving, some people are not even off work. Most of the people here at this time are the retired people, the people that have to be home by dark time. Here is a picture of Wayne dreaming of winning the Barbie.

Desserts galore, over 4 tables of different kinds of cakes, pies, cookies, and soft serve ice cream too. The deserts you had to pay a dollar or two dollars if you wanted ice cream too. What a deal.......

Think Wayne made a blog also so need to check it our!

Later from cool Yuma.........B

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