Sunday, December 25, 2011


Jace, Bryce, and Gauge building a ginger bread house. What a great job they did. You know Gauge helped a lot. The boys were so excited when I talked to them this morning, they both were happy with there gifts, to numerous to say what they received. So happy with what they received from Santa. Rhonda and Steve was happy with there gifts too, Rhonda pots and pans Steve a coat. Wayne and I both got Coal..... not really but you would believe it.

Dinner was at Char and JJ's, this year was just family and us.... nice relaxing dinner, even the kids were fairly quite. It was all yummy and we all did it right and ate to much.

Another week and the New Year will be here, and if we do it right we will be caching on New Years day.

Merry Christmas one and all...... B
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