Sunday, December 11, 2011


Went caching 5 days this week last Sunday, Monday Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday again. I did not realize we were so busy this week. The first pix was taken with my phone, need to use that more because the pix's are quite good. The picture of the ground makes me wonder what lives there, and know I really do not want to know. Historical marker "Site of Mission San Pedro Y San Pablo De Bicuner" interesting bit of history "Squatters camp" would not want to visit, you see a lot of these around here. On Tue, there was a "Welcome back Winter Visitors" event at the fairgrounds, now I know what it is and will not need to do that again. It was just booths of different business. Mostly Dr's imagine that!!!
Bright and early was S*W*A*G monthly breakfast and it was a good turn out as always. Boy oh boy do they start the day early....... I guess once it will not kill me to get up early once a month.

After breakfast we went caching......SURPRISE...... Went to Castle Dome area, nice desert area. We had a nice group finding the caches in that area. Found a lizard sunning itself on a rusted can, he was so nice to pose for me. Earlier in the week in town found an Owl at the base of a tree, he must live close because a fellow cacher took pictures of the owl a few days earlier, maybe he is the "keeper of the cache"

Getting ready for Monday, have some ham hocks cooking on the stove and beans soaking!!!!! Yummy, fry up some potatoes and I will be in heaven..... Good old mid-west dinner.

Have a good week everyone will will write more when the mood hits me or something happens. B

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