Monday, December 26, 2011


Driving back from the Desert we found this cute "little" critter. This is brown rocks formed in the shape of a lizard. How clever and simple is that? Now I am not even sure what street it was on, it is somewhere in the foothills. You never know what you will find next.

I am just glad in the years that we have been coming to Yuma we have not discovered any of the BIG eight legged thingies . There was a picture of one found a few blocks from us, it was on FB, I had to go by that post real fast.

Oh got to go, I think W is going to take me after Christmas shopping, well at least to Harbor Freight.

Had to edit this post, forgot to say what the lizard was made of.

Went to Dillard's, and Penny's and looked but found nothing I wanted. We went to Harbor Freight and Wayne found all kinds of goodies. Tomorrow I want to go to the Commissary and see if they have any Poppycock (Carmel corn with mixed nuts) if they do they will be on sale now that Christmas is over. Keep your fingers crossed. B

Sunday, December 25, 2011


Jace, Bryce, and Gauge building a ginger bread house. What a great job they did. You know Gauge helped a lot. The boys were so excited when I talked to them this morning, they both were happy with there gifts, to numerous to say what they received. So happy with what they received from Santa. Rhonda and Steve was happy with there gifts too, Rhonda pots and pans Steve a coat. Wayne and I both got Coal..... not really but you would believe it.

Dinner was at Char and JJ's, this year was just family and us.... nice relaxing dinner, even the kids were fairly quite. It was all yummy and we all did it right and ate to much.

Another week and the New Year will be here, and if we do it right we will be caching on New Years day.

Merry Christmas one and all...... B
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Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Sunday started out at Mad Chef, Char, JJ, Bobbie, LG, BillieB, BertaB, and W43 and COL, enjoyed good company and good breakfast. I think MC has the best sausage, of course the golf course is not bad. After breakfast the A Team headed for CA for some caching to work off breakfast. BB and BB went Christmas Shopping and I am not sure what Char had planned.

The A Team started out cleaning up caches in the Holtville area, and worked our way back to Yuma. It was one of the perfect cahing day..... Well I guess any day is a good caching day. Nice and sunny, later in the day the clouds look like Yuma was getting some rain. Sure enought when we got home you could tell it had rained in Yuma.

On the way back to Yuma we checked out the old Coranado Motor Motel, we would always go by on the freeway so I was thankful that Bronco Busters put a cache there. There was some good sneekie caches in the area.

Tues we hit the bombing range for the first time this year, not sure why it has taken us so long to get out there. A new "chirp" was posted so we headed out to make the find. I need the practice using my new GPS , you know the saying about teaching old folks new tricks or something like that.

Today was laundry day, the last time we did laundry was Dec 1, can you believe that. At home I do laundry ever other day if not everyday..... oh well got to do what you got to do.

Hope everyone has a good Christmas.... spoil your love ones and enjoy the season.....B
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Friday, December 16, 2011


This is the first time we have made it to the world famous parade in the foothills. I think W would like to dress up the RZR and join the parade, time will tell on that one.

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As you can tell it is kinda hard to take pictures when the floats zoom by so fast, it was a short sweet parade. Fun and games in the Foothills for the Old Folks...... Hope something exciting happens soon.

Enjoy the Christmas season as we are. B
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Sunday, December 11, 2011


Went caching 5 days this week last Sunday, Monday Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday again. I did not realize we were so busy this week. The first pix was taken with my phone, need to use that more because the pix's are quite good. The picture of the ground makes me wonder what lives there, and know I really do not want to know. Historical marker "Site of Mission San Pedro Y San Pablo De Bicuner" interesting bit of history "Squatters camp" would not want to visit, you see a lot of these around here. On Tue, there was a "Welcome back Winter Visitors" event at the fairgrounds, now I know what it is and will not need to do that again. It was just booths of different business. Mostly Dr's imagine that!!!
Bright and early was S*W*A*G monthly breakfast and it was a good turn out as always. Boy oh boy do they start the day early....... I guess once it will not kill me to get up early once a month.

After breakfast we went caching......SURPRISE...... Went to Castle Dome area, nice desert area. We had a nice group finding the caches in that area. Found a lizard sunning itself on a rusted can, he was so nice to pose for me. Earlier in the week in town found an Owl at the base of a tree, he must live close because a fellow cacher took pictures of the owl a few days earlier, maybe he is the "keeper of the cache"

Getting ready for Monday, have some ham hocks cooking on the stove and beans soaking!!!!! Yummy, fry up some potatoes and I will be in heaven..... Good old mid-west dinner.

Have a good week everyone will will write more when the mood hits me or something happens. B

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Friday, December 02, 2011


At 4:30pm the Rotary's "famous Walt Kammann sausage fry". This is there 53rd year of putting this on. We got there at 4:30pm when it started trying to beat the rush. First stop was to check out the cooking process and they had 5 big BBQ grills going, JJ gave us a sample. 2,000 sausages will be cooked tonight. The first time we went to this was 5 years ago, not sure why it has taken us so long to go back.
On the way into dinner you can preview what you can win at the raffle. The big prize this year is a Wii, I told Wayne I was going to win that one. They have a lot of nice prizes. Now look at that plate, doesn't it look yummy? Well let me tell you it was. If this was not enough you could go back and get more, can you believe that!
Here are some candid shots of the serving line. Some of the dinners, remember this is the first hour they are serving, some people are not even off work. Most of the people here at this time are the retired people, the people that have to be home by dark time. Here is a picture of Wayne dreaming of winning the Barbie.

Desserts galore, over 4 tables of different kinds of cakes, pies, cookies, and soft serve ice cream too. The deserts you had to pay a dollar or two dollars if you wanted ice cream too. What a deal.......

Think Wayne made a blog also so need to check it our!

Later from cool Yuma.........B

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