Tuesday, November 22, 2011


We had some time to kill before the movie so we decided to check out the Southern Pacific 2521 train. It is a1908 Baldwin steam locomotive that is the centerpiece of the Pivot Point Plaza at the north end of Madison Avenue. If you want to check it out......most of us cachers have already been there looking for one of JJ's caches.

The movie we saw was "Tower Heist" and it was even better than I thought it would be. A few twist and turns that I have never saw coming. Great cast, check it out. Believe it or not we were even out after dark, that does not seem to happen often.

Not sure what is in store for today, just has a couple come by to find our cache, had a great visit. Nice sunny day will be in the mid 70's today working it's way up to 79 by the week end.

Have a happy Thanksgiving, later......B

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