Friday, November 04, 2011


The rain on the roof sounds so wonderful, now if there was some thunder and lighting I would feel like I was in the mid-west instead of Arizona. Nice and sunny all day and then tonight rain, makes for a nice day.

Yesterday I walked 1.21 mi, today we left home at 11:30 am and did not get home till around 8:00 pm. SOOOO no walk for me tonight.

Had a great dinner at the Outback with Char and JJ, so nice to catch up on whats going on with them. Made plans for caching on Sunday so maybe I will have some pictures and will be able to do a proper blog.

WOW if the rain keeps up like it is now we will be having flooding in the Foothills. I can hardly hear TV for the rain.

New Dr today, think I am going to like her, will not say anymore than that so I do not jinks the new Dr. Must get all the Dr appointments out of the way early before all the "Snowbirds" arrive.

All for now.......B

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