Sunday, November 27, 2011


This morning was our first time at Ligurta station for breakfast this season. Things do not change much at Ligurta, I had Chili cheese omelet, and W had Sausage, eggs smothered in gravy of course. That just might be the only thing we do today.

Sunny but windy, so windy it rocks the coach, seems to even change what directions it is blowing..... can the wind really do that?

The Pearson family are camping this week-end at Manteca, the boys are playing ball at
Big League Dreams. Sounds like they are having a great time....

Time to read my book and let the wind blow......B

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Saturday, November 26, 2011


M is our youngest cacher to find "53rd lane" this year, she was so proud. When they came in to visit a while M noticed some caches ready to plant, so we went her home with one. Now Toeman will have to help M with her hide.

On our way home from Glamis we did a little caching, think we found 20 more or less. New game, check out the last pix of the collage and play the game "can u find Wayne43"? If you can hide him can you imagine trying to find a pill bottle.

Here are some different views of Glamis, it is a busy place this week end. Most holiday are, you can park anywhere you want. Some places they park just off the highway, it is one rig after another.

Took a while before we found "Thanksgiving 2011" sweatshirts. No choice of color and the only sizes were large, 1X , and 2X. You can see how much the wind was blowing by how the flags are flying. Seems to be a good turn out for the holiday week end.

On the way home we had a bite to eat at "Mad Greek", W happened to remember today was Beef Barley soup day. This time it was not as good as usual, I had a salad and french fries.

Fun day, wonder what we will do tomorrow? Stay tuned and see what happens next..... B

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Friday, November 25, 2011


Here are the cooks working so hard so the rest of us can pig out and enjoy our day. My hat is off to all of the cooks that made this possible.
The buffet table was so overloaded it needed reinforcement. There was Turkey, Prime rib, Ham, Yams, Mashed Potatoes with gravy, two kinds of Cranberrys, Fruit salad, Olives, Veggie tray, Spinach dip, Rolls...... and I am sure I left out something. Needless to say if you were still hungry it was not the cooks fault.
Windy earlier but by the time dinner was ready it was perfect sunny in the 70's. Could not have asked for better weather. Megan's home is out in the country and it is so nice and quite.
After dinner some of the guys decided to work off dinner pitching horse shoes. Look close and you can see Josh's horse shoe in mid-air. Hope your Thanksgiving was as yummy and layed back as ours.
Here is the desert table, so many yummy deserts and I could not have any, on well I made up for having seconds of everything else......

So nice of Josh and Megan to include us in there first holiday celebration, we had a wonderful day.

Now it is time to think about Christmas......happy shopping for those crazy enough to to the Black Friday thingie..... B

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011


We had some time to kill before the movie so we decided to check out the Southern Pacific 2521 train. It is a1908 Baldwin steam locomotive that is the centerpiece of the Pivot Point Plaza at the north end of Madison Avenue. If you want to check it out......most of us cachers have already been there looking for one of JJ's caches.

The movie we saw was "Tower Heist" and it was even better than I thought it would be. A few twist and turns that I have never saw coming. Great cast, check it out. Believe it or not we were even out after dark, that does not seem to happen often.

Not sure what is in store for today, just has a couple come by to find our cache, had a great visit. Nice sunny day will be in the mid 70's today working it's way up to 79 by the week end.

Have a happy Thanksgiving, later......B

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Sunday, November 20, 2011


As you already know we have a cache here at the house and I love it when we are home when they come lookin'. Here are some candid shots of people looking. Most need a hint or two. W43 is getting quite the reputation. Now I am not saying it is good or bad, just depends on who you talk to..... Everyone seems to enjoy this years cache.
On our way to breakfast this morning I snapped a few pictures of the hot air balloons. These pictures are taken from a moving car. Not to bad for moving on the freeway at 65mph or more.
After breakfast the "Ateam" Limegreen, Juppin' jeepers, Wayne43 and Me Crzoldy, headed for the desert in CA for a day of caching. We all had to do something to work off the huge breakfast we had at Mad Greek Restaurant. The first picture I took was at 10.07.44 am and the last one was at 3.36.22 pm. Now that we are home I am tired!!!!

Here are pictures of some of the caches we found today, now enlarge the pix's and see if you can find them all....... we found 104 caches for the wonder I was getting tired, might even a little cranky.

Now that we are home I need to figure out what is for dinner, neither one of us has had anything to eat since breakfast.

Now that is caching dedication to caching for me to miss a meal! B

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Friday, November 18, 2011


and he "allowed" me to take him to the golf course for a BD breakfast. Every year I hear "I don't believe in birthdays" so we do very little on his "special day". For my BD he always takes me out to dinner or lunch and sometime around my BD I do get a present. SOOOOOOO I guess he just does not believe in BD's for HIM. He had a Dr appointment and the girls in the office noticed it was his BD and wished him well.

Here is Scott looking for W's cache here at our lot. Just for Scott he put out even more decoys out, had to give the "newbie" a hard time, but Scott made the find.

Took the RZR out for a spin and to find a couple of caches. Our first stop was at Judy's house so she could take a ride in W's toy...... enlarge the collage and the second pix you can see them taking off and notice how Judy's hair! Judy had a fun time but she is not giving up "Ladybug" and time soon. To much invested her LB now......

Only found 3 caches that day, stayed within 3 miles of home, shoot we could have walked to all of them....... yeah right!

Who know what the week end will being, stay tuned and find out........B

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Sunday, November 13, 2011


Bad looking sky so JJ and W decided to forgo the the RZR's and Jeeped it! Limegreen joined the "A-team" for a fun morning of caching. BillBe put some new "pole dancing" caches in the Welton area. This was a wonderful idea since it was stop, go, in, out and worked off our breakfast.

Tried to take pictures of the sky but none of the really did it justice. There was a time of two that we did some slipping and sliding in the mud. Think I am glad we were in the Jeeps.

As always good caching day as any day is rain, shine, wind, snow you name it!

This is the last of 3 post so check them all out......little behind and yesterday the net was way to slow. B


Sunday Morning and time for the monthly S.W.A.G breakfast, we arrived around 7;30am and there was a nice gathering. Sorry I did not get pictures of everyone, this year I said I was not going to bug everyone with pictures but that did not last long.
We had a few new people at the breakfast witch is always nice to see and of course all the old faithfuls.
Wonder how many people noticed the red catus as they walked into the front door? There was two rally one on each side as you came in the front door. Pix of the "Loot" from the 50/50 drawing. The pix of the breakfast with gravy is of course Wayne's breakfast.

NOW time to go caching......B

DATE 11-11-11 TIME 11-11-11

Was a special "meet and greet" and flash mob at Lute's Casino in Old Town Yuma. Now the winter season has officially started. It was so nice seeing so many friends, and catch up on what they did over the summer. As always we met some new people and sure they will be friends before the winter is over.

The flash mob was 11 minutes of American flag waving, and there was a couple Canadian flags also. Everyone was in the spirit of 11-11-11.

Wayne never did make it to Applebee's or Chili's for his free Veterans day meal, the waiting list was way to long for him. Instead we had dinner at Mad Greek, this was our first time to eat at MG this year.

Kinda behind on my blog so will do two more and promise to not get behind again................... Sure B

Sunday, November 06, 2011


JJ, Char, B39, W43, and col started the day with breakfast at the golf course and then a day of caching. The golf course still has a good breakfast and while having breakfast Alaskanyuman (cachers) came into the restaurant, it was nice to see them here so early. Slowly the "snowbirds" are drifting in.

After we had our tummies full it was time to work it off..... we ended up finding 20 caches in all. It was so nice to get the RZR's out and exercise them. We did not venture far today, stayed in the foothills at no time were we even 5 miles away from our lot. It was cool enough today that a sweatshirt felt good.

Here are just a few of the people that has stopped today to find 53RD lane. JJ and B39 made 53RD lane there first find of the day. There has been quite a few cachers stopping today, a few could not make the find. I am sure W43 will send them a hint.

Have a new GPS Oregon 550t, need to learn how to use it, JJ showed me some things..... but so much more to learn. Will have to see if fivebales is up to giving tutoring classes!!!

More later B/col

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Saturday, November 05, 2011


Wayne submitted this years "53rd Lane" this afternoon and it got published right away. RoseFeary and Sly B Bro were the first cachers to arrive. It was dusk when they arrived and hunted and hunted. Dark time out comes the flashlight App, and more hunting. When dark arrived so did Skibum1 and 3rd Times the Charm, more hunting and real flashlights were brought out. Finally Sly B Bro made the find. We are officially here now that W has his cache on the lot.

Sandy thanks so much for the donuts, there are only 2 left, W loves them because they are nice and sweet. If you have not noticed W loves his sweets.

Thanks Sly B Bro, RoseFeary, 3rd Times the Charm and Skibum1 for stopping by, nice visiting you all.

See all Yuma cachers 11-11-11 at 11-11-11 B
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Friday, November 04, 2011


The rain on the roof sounds so wonderful, now if there was some thunder and lighting I would feel like I was in the mid-west instead of Arizona. Nice and sunny all day and then tonight rain, makes for a nice day.

Yesterday I walked 1.21 mi, today we left home at 11:30 am and did not get home till around 8:00 pm. SOOOO no walk for me tonight.

Had a great dinner at the Outback with Char and JJ, so nice to catch up on whats going on with them. Made plans for caching on Sunday so maybe I will have some pictures and will be able to do a proper blog.

WOW if the rain keeps up like it is now we will be having flooding in the Foothills. I can hardly hear TV for the rain.

New Dr today, think I am going to like her, will not say anymore than that so I do not jinks the new Dr. Must get all the Dr appointments out of the way early before all the "Snowbirds" arrive.

All for now.......B

Thursday, November 03, 2011

WE ARE HERE........

Yep we are now in Yuma, got here the first. No pictures so I have been bad about blogging, sorry about that. Just wanted everyone know we are here and ready for the winter.

Later when we do something, B