Sunday, May 15, 2011


Fun time was had by all starting with Rhonda, Bryce, Wayne and Me, went to Red Robbin for lunch, they had just opened in Woodland so of course they were packed. We hit it just right and was seated within 10 minutes. There was a lot of people waiting to be seated when we left. Timing is everything. Bryce's Travel League played at Mather, there game time was 6pm.....they got started closer to 7pm. I wimped out after 3 innings, it was cold, feels like I have not been warm so far this year. Come on Summer, where are you?

Sunday morning Rhonda, Jace Wayne and I met at Don's dinner for breakfast, since Rhonda and I planned on doing some shopping Wayne decided it was time to go to Cache Creek Casino. First we had to go by Rhonda's so Jace could once again show me how to update my iPhone. Jace I think I have got it now. As a matter of fact I have downloaded a couple more apps...also an update.

Look close at Gage, he is getting so big, but believe me he is still a puppy....have heard it is 2-5 years before they get out of the puppy stage. Hang in there Jace he should be out of the puppy stage by the time your getting ready to go to collage.

Shopped Trader Joe's, so I could look for gluten free stuff, yesterday I did find steel cute oats at the Wonder bread store. Anyhow found some pasta, not sure how that will taste, they do have a big variety of things. Look at the breads they had but decided I was doing fine without bread. The gluten free bread was so heavy it felt like a brick.

Grabbed a bite to eat at Pluto's in Davis and then it was time for Jace's band practice, this was the second time the group had played together and it sounded good to me. By the time we were done there it was time to go back to Woodland so we could had home before it got dark. You know how old folks are about driving after dark.

This week end was quite, we hit the casino and that is about it.

Later B
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