Monday, May 16, 2011


Wayne found a Suzuki Vitara for sale in Paradise and wanted to check it out. Since we have nothing better to do we headed out to check it out. It was a 2001 and not in bad shape, we took it for a test drive and went back to deal. Wayne wanted to know if it would pass smog and so they told us where to have it check it on the Skyway. Well we made a wrong turn and ended up at Butte Collage. The gas tank was so low we put some gas in the tank, and a young lady headed for Paradise showed us the way.

By the time we got to the shop to check on smog it was to late and they could not do anything till Monday. Back to return the car and let the guy know what we found out. Come to find out another man was interested and would take the car "as is", so we headed back to Corning. The car was not really worth taking pictures of so instead of taking pix of the car I took pix of the gladiolas.

This post is dedicated to Louise since she checks my blog quite often, since I really did not have anything to say this was the best I could do. Judy thanks for tuning in too..B
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