Friday, May 20, 2011


Wednesday while Wayne was having surgery Rhonda and I went to lunch, that is what all good Daughters and Mommies do. We went to Riverside Bar and Grill in Red Bluff. The weather was perfect on the river sunny and warm. We both had Portabella mushroom sandwich but of course mine was without the bun. It was "ono" as my friend Linda would say. The waitress liked the looks of mine best without the bun.

Today Judy and I had lunch at Hometown Cafe, you can count on the food being good there all the time. I always see a lot of people I know so that is always fun.

The Dr think Wayne is doing good, at least that is what he told him yesterday morning. I visited him in the afternoon and he is looking good but still has tubes in his nose so he is not getting mush sleep. He said it hut like hell to cough, hope he dose not have one of his sneezing fits, because he never sneezes once it is more like 5-7 times. Wayne called this morning and said for me to not come to the hospital, he was in hopes the Dr would remove the tubes so he could get up and start walking. Wayne seems to think he will be able to come home Monday, I hope so because I know how it dislikes staying in a hospital.

I have been a good girl and going to the casino everyday with my gas ticket and having 10 dollars put on my card it is up to 30 dollar. I am saving it all up so when Wayne gets home and well enough to gamble we will have some free money to play with. Saturday I have a special card that I can win 10 to 100 dollars, it is an electronic wallet, that will be fun keep your fingers crossed it is the 100!!!

Will keep you updated on how Wayne is doing so check back........B

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