Sunday, May 29, 2011


Wayne has not had anything to eat since the 25th. On his walk today he took a little bit longer walk and went by the cafeteria. At this point even hospital food would taste good.
He must be feeling better because he is complaining about how cold it is in the hospital. He will complain to anyone and everyone that will listen, the Dr, Nurses, janitor, visitors, he is even trying to organize other patients.
He decided it was time to head back to his room since I would not let him eat at the cafeteria.
Wayne allows me 15 minutes and then he kicks me out. I guess I should feel honored that he allows me to visit at all. Tomorrow they will take the tube out of his stomach and see what happens. Hope he is home before much longer, I kinda miss the Old Fart. B
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Saturday, May 21, 2011


Wayne is now able to move around the hospital now, he is still hooked up to a monitor so he has to drag that around with him so that makes him slow. Well that and the big slice in his belly. He is also behaving, wonder if the male nurse has anything to do with that???

He has his phone with him so he is able to check his emails. I am sure he will not write back on his phone but he will be able to read what you send.

Not much to tell you, it is finally warming up here in Corning, hit 80 today and yesterday. Sure feels good to me.

Target day for coming home is still Monday. Later B
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Friday, May 20, 2011


Wednesday while Wayne was having surgery Rhonda and I went to lunch, that is what all good Daughters and Mommies do. We went to Riverside Bar and Grill in Red Bluff. The weather was perfect on the river sunny and warm. We both had Portabella mushroom sandwich but of course mine was without the bun. It was "ono" as my friend Linda would say. The waitress liked the looks of mine best without the bun.

Today Judy and I had lunch at Hometown Cafe, you can count on the food being good there all the time. I always see a lot of people I know so that is always fun.

The Dr think Wayne is doing good, at least that is what he told him yesterday morning. I visited him in the afternoon and he is looking good but still has tubes in his nose so he is not getting mush sleep. He said it hut like hell to cough, hope he dose not have one of his sneezing fits, because he never sneezes once it is more like 5-7 times. Wayne called this morning and said for me to not come to the hospital, he was in hopes the Dr would remove the tubes so he could get up and start walking. Wayne seems to think he will be able to come home Monday, I hope so because I know how it dislikes staying in a hospital.

I have been a good girl and going to the casino everyday with my gas ticket and having 10 dollars put on my card it is up to 30 dollar. I am saving it all up so when Wayne gets home and well enough to gamble we will have some free money to play with. Saturday I have a special card that I can win 10 to 100 dollars, it is an electronic wallet, that will be fun keep your fingers crossed it is the 100!!!

Will keep you updated on how Wayne is doing so check back........B

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Thursday, May 19, 2011


Good Morning just a note to let you know thay Wayne had surgery yesterday, what should have taken 2 hours took over 4 hours. He is in a special unit, not ICU but a step down from that, is the way they explained it. He has better nurses there. They had to open him up to remove the gallblader and make some repairs from previous operations.

He is on the mend now and that is what counts, should be in the hospital 4-5 days......we will see! Nurse said he was doing good, when I told him what they said it was a surprise to him. Lot of pain medication and rest he will be good to go.

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Monday, May 16, 2011


Wayne found a Suzuki Vitara for sale in Paradise and wanted to check it out. Since we have nothing better to do we headed out to check it out. It was a 2001 and not in bad shape, we took it for a test drive and went back to deal. Wayne wanted to know if it would pass smog and so they told us where to have it check it on the Skyway. Well we made a wrong turn and ended up at Butte Collage. The gas tank was so low we put some gas in the tank, and a young lady headed for Paradise showed us the way.

By the time we got to the shop to check on smog it was to late and they could not do anything till Monday. Back to return the car and let the guy know what we found out. Come to find out another man was interested and would take the car "as is", so we headed back to Corning. The car was not really worth taking pictures of so instead of taking pix of the car I took pix of the gladiolas.

This post is dedicated to Louise since she checks my blog quite often, since I really did not have anything to say this was the best I could do. Judy thanks for tuning in too..B
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Sunday, May 15, 2011


Fun time was had by all starting with Rhonda, Bryce, Wayne and Me, went to Red Robbin for lunch, they had just opened in Woodland so of course they were packed. We hit it just right and was seated within 10 minutes. There was a lot of people waiting to be seated when we left. Timing is everything. Bryce's Travel League played at Mather, there game time was 6pm.....they got started closer to 7pm. I wimped out after 3 innings, it was cold, feels like I have not been warm so far this year. Come on Summer, where are you?

Sunday morning Rhonda, Jace Wayne and I met at Don's dinner for breakfast, since Rhonda and I planned on doing some shopping Wayne decided it was time to go to Cache Creek Casino. First we had to go by Rhonda's so Jace could once again show me how to update my iPhone. Jace I think I have got it now. As a matter of fact I have downloaded a couple more apps...also an update.

Look close at Gage, he is getting so big, but believe me he is still a puppy....have heard it is 2-5 years before they get out of the puppy stage. Hang in there Jace he should be out of the puppy stage by the time your getting ready to go to collage.

Shopped Trader Joe's, so I could look for gluten free stuff, yesterday I did find steel cute oats at the Wonder bread store. Anyhow found some pasta, not sure how that will taste, they do have a big variety of things. Look at the breads they had but decided I was doing fine without bread. The gluten free bread was so heavy it felt like a brick.

Grabbed a bite to eat at Pluto's in Davis and then it was time for Jace's band practice, this was the second time the group had played together and it sounded good to me. By the time we were done there it was time to go back to Woodland so we could had home before it got dark. You know how old folks are about driving after dark.

This week end was quite, we hit the casino and that is about it.

Later B
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Tuesday, May 03, 2011


This picture was taken in 1949 or there about we were in the second grade. Bonnie Clough (Wick), Jane Ring (McClure) and Me. We were so cute.... of course typical me with my coat hanging of my shoulders. This was taken at Prairie Creek High School, all 12 grades were in the same school and we all three went there all 12 years. Not to many people can say that, even back then. Our playground was huge and much larger than what you can see. We can not figure out who took this picture or why someone would have a camera at school back then..... Thanks Jane for finding and sending this picture.

Later B
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Monday, May 02, 2011


Dani turns 60 today and I am just a year or so older... We stopped by to visit Ralph and Dani and when Wayne found out that it was Dani's birthday he said he would treat her to dinner, she decided on Casa Romas, good call in my book. Food was quite good as always.

Fun having our pictures taken, I think they post the BD pix in the restaurant. We also got balloons with a prize inside, mine was a shot of tequila and Dani's was a dessert, the only catch you have to come back on Thursday for Cinco de Mayo, a Mexican celebration. Gave Dani my shot of tequila.

Where will dinner be tomorrow night? I am on a roll here.....B

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Yesterday was my birthday and it was a quite day with dinner at the Outback with Judy and Wayne. I had a filet with mixed veggies and garlic mashed potatoes. Wayne has had such a rough week we decided to stay home. Next week I get to celebrate my BD again also Mothers Day, guess you would call that a double hitter for me.

Think Wayne is finally on the mend, he seemed to have a reaction to the antibiotics they gave him. Today is a Little ornery so he must be feeling better.

That's all for now.........B

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