Saturday, January 01, 2011


This afternoon we went caching, this is the fist time I have been caching since Dec 5 the day before surgery. This must mean I am on the mend for sure. It was nice and sunny but it was very cold. I am not use to this kind of weather in Yuma. Understand it is suppose to warm up this week, sure hope so.

It was nice to get out in the desert and find a few caches, I think we found 15 in all. Nice also seeing fellow cachers we had not talked to in a while.
From the pictures it looks like I found 5 caches, but I think that Wayne missed taking a couple pix's of my finds. If you look close you can see some of the caches were quite creative. It was so nice to be out and about and I did not get overly tired.

Here is wishing everyone a good 2011. B
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1 comment:

Judy said...

So glad to see you out and about. I hope the weather warms up, too.