Monday, January 31, 2011

Roughneck Rendezvous Geocaching Adventure II

Friday was practice day for JJ, BC39,W43 and COL, we wanted to be at the top of our game for the event on Saturday. We found 15 to 20 caches around the Ocotillo Wells area. Loved the submarine in the center picture. It was a fun afternoon. We made it back just in time for JJ to greet Char and Rzr, not sure which one he was most excited to see. I will say Char.
Judy organized the pot luck for Friday night. We got back to camp to late. Needless to say we did not starve. Had Mexican food for dinner, my favorite. After dinner it was time for a campfire.
OK see how many caches you can name sitting around the camp fire........ Now for the non cachers you would not know who they were even if I named them all.
It was nice and cozy sitting around the fire but then the wind came up and drove us all into our rigs. That was OK since we had to check in for Roughneck Rendezvous Geocaching Adventure II at 7:00AM. Thanks goodness that was 8:00AM Arizona time. Everyone had a good time and we even learned something along the way.

Sunday morning it was very windy, we got on the road around noon and headed home. Nice fun week-end with good people.
Life can not get any better than that.........B
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Friday, January 28, 2011


will try to do better. Check "Send gas money" if you behind on the blogs and it will catch you up on what we have been doing. The best and biggest thing is the fact that I am cancer free as of now. I that was what I expected to hear but Wayne was greatly relieved to have it comfirmed. Now to get my iron levels up, was told to eat spinach, rasins and watercrest, have not found any watercrest but do have spinach and rasins. Spent yesterday afternoon playing in my kitchen, made a marinated spinach salad, cream of spinach soup and still have more spinach to stir fry some. Let me tell you it is a big batch of spinach when you buy at Costco. I also make a tomato cucumber salad. It was fun playing in the kitchen for a change. Do not do that often since all Wayne wants it hambers, hotdogs, steaks, eggs, bacon, biscuits and gravy. We did get some Prime prime rib steaks and do believe that was one of the best steaks I have had in a long time.

Since we were here at Ocotilla Wells last they have built a new visitor center, it is really nice and is not completly done yet. Here are some of the animal they had on display. Will just tell you about each picture. Big horn sheep skull, 3 old farts visiting, some of the rigs that arrived later. Saber tooth cat skull, me holding our cache for the day (27 days), our lonely rig before everyone started arriving. More rigs, there are 7 of us now, last year we only had 8 rigs in all, more are coming today. Center Pix Desert spitfire, and the last pix is a coyote. There is so much imformation and things to see in the visitor center. This is a very kid friendly visitor center.

Time to start breakfast I hear the "Old Fart" moving around. B
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Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Since the first of the year we have found a cache a day. Our longest streak of a cache a day was 12 days. Of course we have now beat that record. There are so many new caches in Yuma you could find a cache a day for many years, and there are new ones ever day.
We found a cache on the way to the hospital for Wayne's surgery that would be the last picture of the first collage. Wayne is still recovering but doing good, he is almost as impatient as me when it come getting well.
These are some pictures of after surgery, the day he came home from the hospital we had to go and get a cache, sorry did not get a picture of that. He looked so cute in his shorts.

Friday I go in for a PET scan and that will tell us for sure if I am cancer free for now. My cancer was the same as what I had in my lungs so expect to have the same results "no treatment needed".

Will let you know something when I know.....B
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Monday, January 10, 2011


January S.W.A.G breakfast was a lot of fun with old friends and new cachers. It was O'dark thirty when we arrived and to our surprise we were the first ones there. Before long everyone else stated arriving.
Plans were made for the Yearly S.W.A.G BBQ Event, but I could not tell you what they were since I was to busy taking pictures and visiting. I tried to be quite but that is just not in my nature.
It was so nice to see everyone, and it always amazes me that so many people can get out and about so early on a Sunday morning.

Since Wayne and friends went caching after breakfast I hit the mall and did some shopping therapy, even treated myself to lunch at Red Lobster.

Even tho' it is a little cool here it was another perfect day in Yuma. B
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Saturday, January 01, 2011


This afternoon we went caching, this is the fist time I have been caching since Dec 5 the day before surgery. This must mean I am on the mend for sure. It was nice and sunny but it was very cold. I am not use to this kind of weather in Yuma. Understand it is suppose to warm up this week, sure hope so.

It was nice to get out in the desert and find a few caches, I think we found 15 in all. Nice also seeing fellow cachers we had not talked to in a while.
From the pictures it looks like I found 5 caches, but I think that Wayne missed taking a couple pix's of my finds. If you look close you can see some of the caches were quite creative. It was so nice to be out and about and I did not get overly tired.

Here is wishing everyone a good 2011. B
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