Sunday, October 24, 2010

Welcome Back Pot Luck!

Tonight was the Buffalo Burger pot luck at JJ and Char's home. Wayne and I arrived early, that way I got to see and visit with most people as they came in. Also got a peak at what they brought for the pot luck. It pays to plan ahead you know.
There was so many different appetizers, salads and way to many deserts. I can not image anyone going home hungry. Tortilla stackers was something I had never had before and it was quite a hit. Oh so many different things to eat I did not know what to have first.
Most people I tried to say hi to as they came in, but also had fun table hopping. Caching is not about the caches we find or hide but all the great people we meet along the way.
The "Original Can of Beans" was there for the Original cache in Oregon. Must be the end of the party Char is packing us a lunch..... Thanks JJ and Char you are the GREATEST!
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