Tuesday, October 05, 2010


Sue and Scott arrived early afternoon on Sunday Oct 3rd. They are headed home and this is there last stop to visit. We set them up in the Motor Home and then headed for the casino. This is Corning and what else is there to do but go gamble and eat. It had been years since I ate at the steakhouse Timbers and must admit it was very good. We started off with Crab cakes and do not remember ever having better, Salad was a green salad with there special raspberry dressing with real raspberries. Yum. We all ordered different, Scott had a Rib eye steak, Wayne a rack of Baby back ribs, Sue Lobster, and myself Artichoke crusted Halibut. Everything was very good. Next time I will make a meat out of the crab cakes. Needless to say we all brought a "dogie bag" home. As you can tell I was impressed. Good call Sue.

Monday morning we decided on Breakfast at Hometown Cafe here in Corning, it was getting late and I was getting hungry (imagine that), anyhow checked with Sue and Scott to see if they were ready. Wayne was watching TV and grumbled "what's your rush" and of course I told him I was HUNGRY! He told me to just wait a few minutes, now if you know me and how I am when I am hungry you can imagine this. I tossed my purse in the chair and stomped into the office. Next thing I knew someone is coming in the front door yelling "I am hungry let's go to breakfast". It was Rhonda she had taken the day off to spend the day with Aunt Sue and Mom. Everyone knew she was on her way but me. It was such a wonderful surprise. Off to Hometown cafe and we had a great breakfast, I think Rhonda and I was the only one that finished our breakfast since we split one.
After breakfast we headed for the casino, Rhonda needed to play a while. Wayne had an appointment in Chico so we were on our own. Scott wanted to stop at the Olive Pit, Rhonda was so excited because she had not been there since she was in her teens. After leaving the OP it was time to show Scott some of the farmland, since was an OLD farmer. There is a Olive grove that looks more like a vineyard but it is a new way to grow olives for olive oil. It will be interesting to see what they look like when they are fully grown.
Rhonda happened to think of the Vina store and there Pastrami sandwiches so off we go to show Sue and Scott the big town of Vina. Picked up the sandwich and headed home so we could all share, and they are still as good as the use to be. We visited a little more then Rhonda headed home to her family. It was such a nice surprise to have her spend the day with us. Thanks Rhon.

By the time Wayne got home from Chico we had already decided we needed Mexican food at Monties for dinner. After dinner we went back to the casino and I think Scott finally won a little bit. Made plans to go to Old Folks breakfast in the morning before Sue and Scott headed towards home. This morning neither one of them were hungry (can't imagine why) and they decided to head on down the road for home. Thank You Sue and Scott for spending a couple days with us here in Corning. Hope to see you in Yuma next time.

Time to get the MH reloaded and ready for our speed run to WA.

More later......wow I had a lot to say this time. B
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