Let me tell you the "swanky" place was Ligurta Station in Welton, and any followers of my blog knows where that is. Will just say "no fly problems" since it was night. Seriously we met JJ, Char, Larry and Audry there and their prime rib was quite good, even tho' it is a small place out in the country you have to have reservations. The owner confirmed that you also need reservations on the week ends for breakfast.
Today we popped in and out of Mexico was not even there half hour.....got business taken care of and headed back to the USA. Well you have to go by the Q casino to get to Mexico so on our way back we stopped and tried our luck... I only lost 2.05 and I think Wayne won a little. While at the Q we checked out their lunch buffet and it was not bad. Will not need much for dinner tonight. On to Lowes for patio materials, Wayne is having a local make us a patio this year. On to the Exchange and Commissary, then to Walmart, relaxing day but by the time we got home we were both ready to kick back and relax.
Hope your week end it a good one. B
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