Monday, October 18, 2010


Leaving Vancouver early did not happen, Wayne took the first load out to the car, SURPRISE someone did "smash and grab" and took the Nuvi. Thank goodness they did not see the two GPS's laying between the seats. Had to wait for the police to come by to make a report. There was video of that area so they may have it on tape. They had to wait for the manager to come in to view the tape. Not sure what good that will do. We did not stick around to see. Off to Doug and Tami's for some help!!!
Doug and Wayne headed for Home Depot for some plexus glass and duct tape. Doug and Wayne made a pattern and Tami traced it to the plexus glass. After a lot of cutting and recutting and taping the job was finally done. Not sure what we would have done without Tami and Doug, thanks you two. We got started home around 10:30 or so, make a stop at 7 Feathers for fuel for the car and us, did not even gamble. Got home around 7:00 or tired to know what time it was or even care.

Today we are loading the MH and trailer so we can head for Yuma tomorrow morning.

More from the road...... B
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