Saturday, October 30, 2010

Philippine Taxi

At least that is what it was billed as, I wanted Wayne to buy it for me so he could take me all over the foothills. Can you believe he dared tell me NO! I was so devastated he promised me a prime rib dinner at a "Swanky" place.

Let me tell you the "swanky" place was Ligurta Station in Welton, and any followers of my blog knows where that is. Will just say "no fly problems" since it was night. Seriously we met JJ, Char, Larry and Audry there and their prime rib was quite good, even tho' it is a small place out in the country you have to have reservations. The owner confirmed that you also need reservations on the week ends for breakfast.

Today we popped in and out of Mexico was not even there half business taken care of and headed back to the USA. Well you have to go by the Q casino to get to Mexico so on our way back we stopped and tried our luck... I only lost 2.05 and I think Wayne won a little. While at the Q we checked out their lunch buffet and it was not bad. Will not need much for dinner tonight. On to Lowes for patio materials, Wayne is having a local make us a patio this year. On to the Exchange and Commissary, then to Walmart, relaxing day but by the time we got home we were both ready to kick back and relax.

Hope your week end it a good one. B
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Thursday, October 28, 2010


The garage at Loags Roadhouse was taken over for a Birthday and Annivery celebration. The first Picture is of Berta and Bill, Roy and Dixie, Larry and Peg, my plate of food, yummy catfish and homemade potato chips and Darwin (The Birthday Boy) and Ruth.
42ND Anniversery for Linda and Jim. Last 3 picutes are Ken and Annette, Bonnie, Ron and Kay. Do you kinda get the idea that all we do all winter is Geocache and eat out, not true some do crafts, other read. Some of the men spend a lot of time in there workshop making caches for the rest of us to fine. Then there are other that like to spend there time in casino. Yuma has something for everyone. In another month or so the festivals will start so there will be even more to do.

The weather here today is perfect, should only get in the 80's today, windy yesterday but does not seem to be so far today. We are still trying to get settled in, getting permits for the car and Rhino, trying to get estiments for a stone patio, looking for someone to wash and wax the MH. WOW this sounds like to much work for to go rest.

Later B
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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Welcome Back Pot Luck!

Tonight was the Buffalo Burger pot luck at JJ and Char's home. Wayne and I arrived early, that way I got to see and visit with most people as they came in. Also got a peak at what they brought for the pot luck. It pays to plan ahead you know.
There was so many different appetizers, salads and way to many deserts. I can not image anyone going home hungry. Tortilla stackers was something I had never had before and it was quite a hit. Oh so many different things to eat I did not know what to have first.
Most people I tried to say hi to as they came in, but also had fun table hopping. Caching is not about the caches we find or hide but all the great people we meet along the way.
The "Original Can of Beans" was there for the Original cache in Oregon. Must be the end of the party Char is packing us a lunch..... Thanks JJ and Char you are the GREATEST!
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Monday, October 18, 2010


Leaving Vancouver early did not happen, Wayne took the first load out to the car, SURPRISE someone did "smash and grab" and took the Nuvi. Thank goodness they did not see the two GPS's laying between the seats. Had to wait for the police to come by to make a report. There was video of that area so they may have it on tape. They had to wait for the manager to come in to view the tape. Not sure what good that will do. We did not stick around to see. Off to Doug and Tami's for some help!!!
Doug and Wayne headed for Home Depot for some plexus glass and duct tape. Doug and Wayne made a pattern and Tami traced it to the plexus glass. After a lot of cutting and recutting and taping the job was finally done. Not sure what we would have done without Tami and Doug, thanks you two. We got started home around 10:30 or so, make a stop at 7 Feathers for fuel for the car and us, did not even gamble. Got home around 7:00 or tired to know what time it was or even care.

Today we are loading the MH and trailer so we can head for Yuma tomorrow morning.

More from the road...... B
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Saturday, October 16, 2010


On the 19TH Cassidy will officially be a 13 yikes a teenager. Today Grandma's Grandpa's Aunt, and Uncles, Mom, Dad, Brother, and Good friends all got together and had an early BD party. Tami tried to get all of Cassidy's favorite food for everyone to enjoy. Great job Tami, she even showed me how to make a family favorite "pigs in a blanket". One of the favourite snack was "puppy chow", now you will have to figure out that one.

Present time brought in some bucks for Cassidy, one suggestion was to start saving for car insurance for when she turns 16.....yeah right. She also received a day spa gift certificate. You can never be to young to pamper yourself. Another favorite was all kinds of gum also some bright socks for winter. Rice a Roni was another favorite. Nice haul Cassidy.

Cassidy had two special BD cakes one was an Ice Cream cake and the other one was a fun cake from the Miracle's. The chocolate cake was for putting her face in......looked like she had a frosting mask on, well she did have a frosting mask. Wonder if this is a new beauty treatment? Fun time. Thanks Cassidy for letting us share your special day. B
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Friday, October 15, 2010


Yesterday we picked up Trace after school and took our time going home. Just happen to have our GPS's with us so we found 3 caches on the way home. The first cache I did not have my camera with me, what can I day it was in the car in my purse. Did take a picture of his first cache and sent it to his Mom Tami. Took the easy way out for dinner, KFC and it was good for a change. Never taste as good as I remember when it first started.

Finally got some pictures of the Grandpuppy's, Ollie and Pedro, the next time I see Pedro he will be almost grown and not as jumpy.....least I hope so. He is in his own little world, you have to watch him when you pick him up because he likes to give you lots of kisses. The dogs get along so well together.
Birthday dinner for Doug and Cassidy was at P.F. Chang's in downtown Portland. It was Yummy. We had spicy green beans, Chang's spicy chicken, sweet & sour chicken, beef with broccoli, P.F. Chang's fried rice, white rice, and double fried noodles. It was just the right amount of food so there was no leftovers. Everything was quite good and the spicy things were not to spicy. I am ready to go back there anytime.
On to Saint Cupcake to have desert, it was a small place with 6 or 8 tables. Tami and I shard a large vanilla with cream cheese icing, and then we each had a mini red velvet
a classic buttermilk cake with a hint of cocoa and screaming red. topped with a dollup of classic vanilla cream cheese icing.
Doug had a fat Elvis,banana chocolate chip poundcake cupcake topped with a swirl of our salty-sweet peanut butter fudge. we finish the cupcake with a banana chip. it’s take on Elvis’ favorite peanut butter & banana sandwich.
Wayne toasted coconut cream buttery vanilla cupcake with toffee chips baked right in, then topped our classic vanilla cream cheese icing and hand toasted coconut flakes.
Trace hot fudge on vanilla buttery vanilla cupcake topped with our gooey-drippy homemade hot fudge. I am not sure what Cassidy had and she was sitting at our table, but must admit Tami and I was having to much fun sharing our vanilla with cream cheese icing buttery vanilla cupcake with classic vanilla cream cheese iced on top.

There is another cupcake place that is better but it has no seating, so we will take some plates forks and sit on the curb if we have to. Wonder if we could do that tomorrow......... DO NOT thanks so, tomorrow is the family BD party. SOOOOOOOOOOO to be continued.............................B
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Thursday, October 14, 2010


If you have checked "send gas money" you already know we are in Vancouver WA. Got a text from Tami telling us about a fundraiser Doug's work was having at the bowling alley...... of course we could not miss this. Doug is not a bowler but by the end of the first game he was getting the feel for the game.
Tami even got roped into bowling a game, think Cassidy bowled the first game. As you can tell by the pix, some got creative with there costumes for bowling. Wonder if this has anything to do with Halloween being this month. Needless to say they had a great time and W and I had lot of fun just watching.

Back to the motel and it was crash time..........long day B
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Tuesday, October 05, 2010


Sue and Scott arrived early afternoon on Sunday Oct 3rd. They are headed home and this is there last stop to visit. We set them up in the Motor Home and then headed for the casino. This is Corning and what else is there to do but go gamble and eat. It had been years since I ate at the steakhouse Timbers and must admit it was very good. We started off with Crab cakes and do not remember ever having better, Salad was a green salad with there special raspberry dressing with real raspberries. Yum. We all ordered different, Scott had a Rib eye steak, Wayne a rack of Baby back ribs, Sue Lobster, and myself Artichoke crusted Halibut. Everything was very good. Next time I will make a meat out of the crab cakes. Needless to say we all brought a "dogie bag" home. As you can tell I was impressed. Good call Sue.

Monday morning we decided on Breakfast at Hometown Cafe here in Corning, it was getting late and I was getting hungry (imagine that), anyhow checked with Sue and Scott to see if they were ready. Wayne was watching TV and grumbled "what's your rush" and of course I told him I was HUNGRY! He told me to just wait a few minutes, now if you know me and how I am when I am hungry you can imagine this. I tossed my purse in the chair and stomped into the office. Next thing I knew someone is coming in the front door yelling "I am hungry let's go to breakfast". It was Rhonda she had taken the day off to spend the day with Aunt Sue and Mom. Everyone knew she was on her way but me. It was such a wonderful surprise. Off to Hometown cafe and we had a great breakfast, I think Rhonda and I was the only one that finished our breakfast since we split one.
After breakfast we headed for the casino, Rhonda needed to play a while. Wayne had an appointment in Chico so we were on our own. Scott wanted to stop at the Olive Pit, Rhonda was so excited because she had not been there since she was in her teens. After leaving the OP it was time to show Scott some of the farmland, since was an OLD farmer. There is a Olive grove that looks more like a vineyard but it is a new way to grow olives for olive oil. It will be interesting to see what they look like when they are fully grown.
Rhonda happened to think of the Vina store and there Pastrami sandwiches so off we go to show Sue and Scott the big town of Vina. Picked up the sandwich and headed home so we could all share, and they are still as good as the use to be. We visited a little more then Rhonda headed home to her family. It was such a nice surprise to have her spend the day with us. Thanks Rhon.

By the time Wayne got home from Chico we had already decided we needed Mexican food at Monties for dinner. After dinner we went back to the casino and I think Scott finally won a little bit. Made plans to go to Old Folks breakfast in the morning before Sue and Scott headed towards home. This morning neither one of them were hungry (can't imagine why) and they decided to head on down the road for home. Thank You Sue and Scott for spending a couple days with us here in Corning. Hope to see you in Yuma next time.

Time to get the MH reloaded and ready for our speed run to WA.

More I had a lot to say this time. B
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Sunday, October 03, 2010


We started to celebrate Jace's birthday on Friday night with the Family birthday party. Steve BBQ'ed chicken legs and thighs and they were perfect. We also had salad, and rolls. I think Rhonda said there was only 4 pieces of chicken leftover. It was a fun evening and I got to visit with everyone, imagine that. Jace raked in a few buck in his what to spend it on?
Saturday morning I went over to the house to see if Jace was ready for his day in Sacramento. When I got to the house Jace was still sleeping, I guess he was practicing being a teenager sleeping in. Our first stop was Arden Fair Mall, hit Starbucks first thing for a Mocha and scones. Walked around the mall a little bit and then headed for Old Sacramento. We walked around OS till we found the horse and buggy ride.........why walk when you can ride. We did the short ride around OS. By now we are both ready for lunch, so Joe's Crab Shack here we come.
Our timing was perfect, they told us 15 minutes and then they called us right away. Jace checked out the menu and it was hard to decide till I started looking and spotted the New England Boil. It had 2 1lb lobsters, clams, shrimp, sausage, corn on the cob, onion and potato. We decided that would be perfect. We had fun cracking the lobster and it was OH SO good. Hope you noticed how brave Jace was with the Alligator. Everyone wished Jace Happy Birthday at Joes Crab shack and then we were off the the Westfield mall. There Jace found battery powered bugs that change directions when they run into something, so we got Jace and Bryce a bug.

It was such a fun perfect day. Thank you Jace for a fun time.

Sue (my sister) just called and they are almost here...... YEAH Later on Sue's visit so stay tuned B
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