Monday, June 21, 2010


Met John, Charlene, Doug, Tami, Cassidy and Trace at Sand Lake for a fun filled week end. This was the first time I got to see the kids drive there new Razor, they are do quite well since they have not had a lot of pratice. I will get the Razor up to 30 MPG. Frist night I was there for about 10 minutes of camp fire, good thing I did not stick around because they had smores later. Our campsite was on the other side of the camp grounds.
Here are some shot taken on the sand, the kids tried to take the Razor up the "bowl" but only make it half way. I am sure before summer is over they will make it to the top no problem. No pictures to post but Tami and I make a quick run into Linclon City for fish at our favorite place J's, Yummy. Have only ate there 4 times since we have been here.

Sunday Morning everyone packed up early and headed back to Washington. We hung out at our campsite since we could not get into our spot at Devels Lake till afternoon. We waited around long enough that it was a good mist while we loaded the Rhino.

Good times in the Great Nothwest.....B
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