Tuesday, June 01, 2010


Saturday morning and the kids are wrestling in the living room, wish I had that much energy. Guess we fed them to much sugar for breakfast..... Doug has a cure for this, "lets go to Chico". We leave Grandpa home to baby sit Ollie and off we go. Did not go far till Doug found a Photo Op The big Olive that was put up last year. Did not get pictures but our first stop was at Costco to fill up the gas tank and while there we have to checkout the store. What we really did was grazed our way threw Costco, one of my favorite things to do while in Chico. On to the mall which was disappointing to them since there really is not much there anymore. The kids had fun playing on the roller coaster......or at lest they made something stationary look like it was fun. No trip to CA is complete till the WA gang hits all the "In and Out Burgers" as they can. Fun day.

Sunday was a kick back day for W and I, the kids headed for Redding to see what they could find. Since I did not go along and Doug's chip will not work with my computer I have no pictures. Sooooooooo will just have to tell you they had a great time first stop was in Red Bluff where Trace and Doug hit the skateboard park. Cassidy and Tami did some shopping therapy. On up the road to a fun park in Redding where they played miniature golf, bumper cars, (kids) boat ride with water gun fight and last Go carts. Needless to say it was all fun.

More play time when they got home Trace and Ollie played tug of war and they he and Cassidy climbed the tree, they wanted to make a swing in the tree, Tami nixed that one in a hurry. Thanks Tami.

Back here at the home front we are busy shucking corn, baking potatoes and getting steaks ready for the grill. Truth by this time everyone was home and helped us do all this. Everything turned out great. After dinner W gave Trace Great Grandpa Willies 22 rifle needless to say he was one proud and happy boy!

Monday morning and time to get thing ready to roll, we had a nice relaxing breakfast of Potatoes, scrambled eggs, gravy and Cinnamon rolls. Yummmmmmm Time to load everything up and hit the road. Thanks Doug, Tami, Cassidy and Trace for another great visit.

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