Sunday, June 06, 2010


Jace graduated from 6TH grade and then in October he will become a teenager....what an exciting year this is for Jace. Popi and I got to Woodland to help get things set up and ready for the party. Bryce and I ran to the store and got a special singing balloon to surprise brother.

Made things simple burgers and hot dogs, as usual Steve did the cooking. Yummy great job Steve. The pictures I took of Ron, Diana, Karla and John did not turn out, but is was so nice to visit with all of them. Hot and sunny day everyone stayed in the shade as much as they could.

Bryce figured out a way to beat the heat, pouring water on his head, then he got the bright idea to sit in a tub.......almost to big for the tub but he had fun and that is what counts.

We had not seen Gauge for a few weeks so we could really see how much he has grown, and his manners are improving daily. All kinds of things going on and he was happy sleeping the the shade in his run. He did get to come and join the party as things were winding down.

Jace had band practice in Davis so we headed back to Corning around 4:00pm. Rhonda ended up home all by herself and I think she planned it that way, hope you got lost of work done Rhon.

We are now home with a slight detour to Rolling Hills the only thing I will say about that is "it was not a pretty site". Home now kicking back.

Thanks Pearson's for a nice relaxing day....

Now it's time to start packing for going North.......Later B
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