Tuesday, June 22, 2010


This morning Larry and Wayne decided to do some caching. Audrey had some shopping to do and it might be to dangerous for her to shop alone so I went with Audry. Our fist stop I scored with 10 book, now I have a nice stash to keep me busy. Audry found some stuff for the MH, we were both happy. On to the dollar store you never know what your going to find that you just can not live without. On to the Elks thrift shop, there I did not find anything but Audrey found a couple treasures. Decided it was time for lunch so we head for J's, half way there the guys called and decided to join us. All the times we have been to J's I never remembered to take pictures...... today I got the job done and there is there Menu, Audry had Halibut, Wayne Cod, I had the special of the day Red Snapper, Clam chowder, and Larry had shrimp. That is my empty plate there, what a good job I did. J's is small but seems to always be busy and I can understand because they are so good, they even have fresh baked goods.
Just outside of J's is a cache so the guy are showing me where it is. We did some caching to work off lunch. It was a nice drive looking down on the water. Found some nice bell shape flowers, the inside of the bell was most interesting. Tomorrow we will get everything pack up and head for the Vancouver area. Fun time on the coast with great friends.

More when something happens...........B
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