Saturday, June 26, 2010

Rheinlander German RestaurantPortland

The Rheinlander is a one-of-a-kind Portland tradition in festive dining. That Tami and Doug treated us to dinner. With authentic touches that recreate the old world charm and serve you culinary pleasures like braised rabbit, fresh salmon, and classically prepared Wienerschnitzel. They had two men that strolled around and played the accordion and stopped at each table and visited and played. Even our waiter sang while serving us. The Chicken song was played and some people at the table in front of us danced... Rhonda made me think of your wedding. This was a fun layed back place to have dinner and a fun time.
Started out with sausage, bread, and cheese fondue. I had a sampler plate with Beef, sausage, pork, chicken, schnitzel and kraut. Wayne had schnitzel and meatballs, Tami and Doug had chicken and schnitzel, kids the same. It was all good, but I think the sausages were the best. Trace was eating a mint after dinner and then Doug gave him a lemon to eat.....look close and you can see his scrunched up face.

Another good day in the GNW. B
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This evening Wayne and I make the trip to Best Buy in Jansen Beach to get my new computer. It is a Toshiba, has all the new bells and whistles. Computer, wireless printer (not shown) mouse and extra ink. I am so excited, Ollie was so excited he brought me a balloon. It will take me forever to figure out everything I can do. It has Windows 7, so far I have not noticed that much difference.

Geek B
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Thursday, June 24, 2010

HOW COOL IS THIS................

Trace received Great Grandpa Willy's .22 rifle when they visited in Corning on Memorial Day week end........ and needless to say he was surprised and very happy. His Great Uncle Gary even sent him a telescope to go with the rifle. Both items are about 50+ years old. I'm sure this will remain in the family and be passed on down the line. Doug made Trace a shadow box for his room with a hunting theme and it's shown here. Neat.
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Tuesday, June 22, 2010


This morning Larry and Wayne decided to do some caching. Audrey had some shopping to do and it might be to dangerous for her to shop alone so I went with Audry. Our fist stop I scored with 10 book, now I have a nice stash to keep me busy. Audry found some stuff for the MH, we were both happy. On to the dollar store you never know what your going to find that you just can not live without. On to the Elks thrift shop, there I did not find anything but Audrey found a couple treasures. Decided it was time for lunch so we head for J's, half way there the guys called and decided to join us. All the times we have been to J's I never remembered to take pictures...... today I got the job done and there is there Menu, Audry had Halibut, Wayne Cod, I had the special of the day Red Snapper, Clam chowder, and Larry had shrimp. That is my empty plate there, what a good job I did. J's is small but seems to always be busy and I can understand because they are so good, they even have fresh baked goods.
Just outside of J's is a cache so the guy are showing me where it is. We did some caching to work off lunch. It was a nice drive looking down on the water. Found some nice bell shape flowers, the inside of the bell was most interesting. Tomorrow we will get everything pack up and head for the Vancouver area. Fun time on the coast with great friends.

More when something happens...........B
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my blog back. Yesterday started out with picking up Larry and Audrey to do some site seeing and caching. The first picture was taken at the Otis Cafe, understand that it has good food even tho' we have never ate there. There parking lot is always full so that tells you something. Over the weekend they sat up a ten with 4 more tables and a lot of times you see people waiting on the porch to be seated. The second pix is of La8 and W43 in case you could not tell by the body shape. Other pix are just caches we found along the way......the guys even let me find a few.
Stopped by the fish hatchery to see what Wayne and Phyllis was doing and found Phyllis working away punning some shrubs. They took some time out to figure out a plan for after they got there chores done. Decided that we would go into Lincoln City for fish and chips at J's. I never think to take pictures when we are there, all I am thinking of is the yummy fish I am going to eat.
After lunch we decided to go to Boiler point the ocean was very flat, usually you can get some pictures of nice big waves. We hung out there for a while and then found a couple more caches. Looked for one way to long and still did not make the find. On into Newport in search of Ice Cream, as you can we we found some and we all sat talked stories and enjoyed the view. Perfect ending to a wonderful day with friends.

Now to figure out what to do today, J's had better be included................B
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Monday, June 21, 2010


This is my new quilt, my caching friend Phyllis made it for me. It is so much more that I could have imagined. Phyllis dose do wonderful work. Just what we needed for the new MH, the quilt fits the queen size bed but it will also fit the couch.

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Met John, Charlene, Doug, Tami, Cassidy and Trace at Sand Lake for a fun filled week end. This was the first time I got to see the kids drive there new Razor, they are do quite well since they have not had a lot of pratice. I will get the Razor up to 30 MPG. Frist night I was there for about 10 minutes of camp fire, good thing I did not stick around because they had smores later. Our campsite was on the other side of the camp grounds.
Here are some shot taken on the sand, the kids tried to take the Razor up the "bowl" but only make it half way. I am sure before summer is over they will make it to the top no problem. No pictures to post but Tami and I make a quick run into Linclon City for fish at our favorite place J's, Yummy. Have only ate there 4 times since we have been here.

Sunday Morning everyone packed up early and headed back to Washington. We hung out at our campsite since we could not get into our spot at Devels Lake till afternoon. We waited around long enough that it was a good mist while we loaded the Rhino.

Good times in the Great Nothwest.....B
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Thursday, June 17, 2010


Our day started with the rain pouring down so we decided to stay here at Devil's Lake another day. By eleven the sun was shinning bright and it has been a very pleasant day. We got out and about late morning. Our first stop at D River park to look at the ocean. There was a few kids out playing in the sand. There was two little girls playing in D river, it made me cold just watching the little one.

It was a good day for a movie, a friend had told us that "A Team" was a good movie. It was a fast moving sometimes it moved so fast you could hardly keep up with what was going on. It was a fun movie, thanks Phyllis for telling us about it. I had been a long time since we have been to a movie.

After the movie we headed for Boiler Bay to watch the ocean for a while. While I was taking pictures W made a comment that " you don't make a collage out of the same picture". That is why there is a collage of the same rock different waves.

Back to Lincoln City and J's fish and chips for our clam chowder and Halibut and fries. Ohno. I could eat that everyday. Then it was time for our casino fix, I played quite a while before I lost all my money, and once again W left a few bucks ahead.

That was our day tomorrow we will go to Sand Lake rain or shine and the rest of the crew will be there after work. Looking forward to a fun week end. If you do not hear from me over the week-end that will be because of no Internet connection.

More when I have Internet.......B
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Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Spirit Mountain casino. Had to get new club cards, played our free money, which took 5 minutes and we were still had to wait for the buffet to open. I worked up an appetite dancing with the Blues Brothers, must admit I had no problem keeping up with all there fancy dance steps.

Was told the buffet was new and improved since they have a new dinning room...... could have fooled me. W was happy he liked the gravy and that is all that counts. It was so so, and yes that is fried shrimp on my breakfast plate.
After breakfast we drove out to the fish hatchery where Beagle39z (Phyllis and Wayne) are spending a few months this summer. They have a really nice private place to park, it is just a shame that is has been so much rain this year. We got a private tour of the hatchery, well should say W did since I was busy taking pictures.

Back to Lincoln City and Devils Lake SP and get our home set up so we can go play. Back to the fish hatchery and had a nice visit with W&P. Dinner time so it was the perfect time to go to J's for fish and chips, I have been so hungry for fish and clam chowder and they have the best.

Had to go to Chinook Winds Casino before we came back to the park, at least I was able to play for a while there. I lost a little but W brought some of there money home......

The rain is coming down so hard we can not even hear the TV, wonder how the people in tents are doing. Well time to go to bed and let the rain put me to sleep...... B
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Monday, June 14, 2010


is in Oregon just before you get to Wilsonville. W is having some work done on the MH tomorrow so we needed a place to spend the night. Left the car and rhino at RV world, there for a while W was planning on spending the night in there parking lot........ this is so much nicer. Behind the MH is an open meadow will try to get out there later in the evening and I just might spot some wildlife.

Got on the road this morning around 8ish, first stop Seven Feathers Casino for breakfast and some therapy. Breakfast was good. Does that tell you anything? To be honest I lost and W won half of what I lost.

Traffic was not to bad today when W finally stopped to get gas in the HM it took 73.487 gallons, the tank only hold 75 gallons. Now that make me a little nervous. I like driving on the top half of the tank.

Now to see if I can get this posted the net connection is not to fast. B
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Sunday, June 13, 2010


We are parked at Valley of the Rouge State Park space D8, this is a site that is now W's favorite, he got his MTV without doing anything so from now on we will request this site. Oregon has the best state parks, they are also used a lot. It is so nice to be back on the road I can only sit in our stick house so long. It has been a nice day for traveling, NO wind, like there has been for the last few days.

Next stop will be Wilsonville OR to have some work done on the Motor Home......will let W tell about that.

Will post more on down the road.....B
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Sunday, June 06, 2010


Jace graduated from 6TH grade and then in October he will become a teenager....what an exciting year this is for Jace. Popi and I got to Woodland to help get things set up and ready for the party. Bryce and I ran to the store and got a special singing balloon to surprise brother.

Made things simple burgers and hot dogs, as usual Steve did the cooking. Yummy great job Steve. The pictures I took of Ron, Diana, Karla and John did not turn out, but is was so nice to visit with all of them. Hot and sunny day everyone stayed in the shade as much as they could.

Bryce figured out a way to beat the heat, pouring water on his head, then he got the bright idea to sit in a tub.......almost to big for the tub but he had fun and that is what counts.

We had not seen Gauge for a few weeks so we could really see how much he has grown, and his manners are improving daily. All kinds of things going on and he was happy sleeping the the shade in his run. He did get to come and join the party as things were winding down.

Jace had band practice in Davis so we headed back to Corning around 4:00pm. Rhonda ended up home all by herself and I think she planned it that way, hope you got lost of work done Rhon.

We are now home with a slight detour to Rolling Hills the only thing I will say about that is "it was not a pretty site". Home now kicking back.

Thanks Pearson's for a nice relaxing day....

Now it's time to start packing for going North.......Later B
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Tuesday, June 01, 2010


Saturday morning and the kids are wrestling in the living room, wish I had that much energy. Guess we fed them to much sugar for breakfast..... Doug has a cure for this, "lets go to Chico". We leave Grandpa home to baby sit Ollie and off we go. Did not go far till Doug found a Photo Op The big Olive that was put up last year. Did not get pictures but our first stop was at Costco to fill up the gas tank and while there we have to checkout the store. What we really did was grazed our way threw Costco, one of my favorite things to do while in Chico. On to the mall which was disappointing to them since there really is not much there anymore. The kids had fun playing on the roller coaster......or at lest they made something stationary look like it was fun. No trip to CA is complete till the WA gang hits all the "In and Out Burgers" as they can. Fun day.

Sunday was a kick back day for W and I, the kids headed for Redding to see what they could find. Since I did not go along and Doug's chip will not work with my computer I have no pictures. Sooooooooo will just have to tell you they had a great time first stop was in Red Bluff where Trace and Doug hit the skateboard park. Cassidy and Tami did some shopping therapy. On up the road to a fun park in Redding where they played miniature golf, bumper cars, (kids) boat ride with water gun fight and last Go carts. Needless to say it was all fun.

More play time when they got home Trace and Ollie played tug of war and they he and Cassidy climbed the tree, they wanted to make a swing in the tree, Tami nixed that one in a hurry. Thanks Tami.

Back here at the home front we are busy shucking corn, baking potatoes and getting steaks ready for the grill. Truth by this time everyone was home and helped us do all this. Everything turned out great. After dinner W gave Trace Great Grandpa Willies 22 rifle needless to say he was one proud and happy boy!

Monday morning and time to get thing ready to roll, we had a nice relaxing breakfast of Potatoes, scrambled eggs, gravy and Cinnamon rolls. Yummmmmmm Time to load everything up and hit the road. Thanks Doug, Tami, Cassidy and Trace for another great visit.

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