Sunday, July 31, 2011


Once again here we are at J's fish & chips, yesterday we were told the seafood chowder would be ready at 11:30 am today, we arrived at 11:31 am. It has taken me 6 years to finally get to taste the SFC, always before they were either out or it was not done yet. One time I was told I could have a free bowl of chowder since I had always missed the SFC but we never made it back at that time. Today I had a boul of SFC and fish and chips.....I did give Wayne one of my pieces of fish.
After lunch we headed down the coast towards Newport, our first stop was Deope Bay, this is where people come to whale watch but there was none in site today. We did see some people fishing from the rocks.....wonder if they were fishing for whales? When we arrived there was a row of seagulls to welcome us. It must have been to windy for them to fly because there were a lot of them sitting on the picnic tables. Hope no one wanted to have a picnic.
Here we are at the pier at Newport we watched people dropping crab pots in the water. We also watched a tourist crab boat come in, a couple people had 8 to 10 crabs. On the pier they have big vats of boiling water so they can cook the crabs for the tourist.
Here is the famous Depoe bay bridge. Some random shots of the downtown, some stores and some murals and a pier. Update info Wall #059 'Gray Whales off Oregon Coast' Depoe Bay Fish Company 617 SW Bay Blvd. Newport, Oregon 100 Feet Long x 35 Feet High, this was done Aug 29 1994. Looked this up on the Internet so the facts would be correct.

We are still at the parking lot of Chinook Winds, and the wind is still blowing. Tomorrow afternoon we will head to Devils Lake State Park. That is about 2 miles from where we are now.

Wonder what we will do tomorrow.............B

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1 comment:

Malialuika said...

Becky, That looks like a "Wyland" whale mural! Very cool!