Sunday, December 30, 2012


The day after Christmas the Pearson family hit the slopes in Tahoe.  The boys has fun for a couple days playing in the snow.  Jace did real well.  Here is Bryce and "Princess" watching TV, you know who rules that household.  Fireball had to stay home with a sitter.
Wayne and I spent Christmas at Avi Resort, 23rd to 27th, it was a fun time as long as you did not go to the buffet.... BUT that is another story and will not go into that here.  See what a beautiful Christmas tree we had.  Wayne walked by it several times a day, when he saw it on the collage he asked where the tree was.  Of course that was before eye surgery.  Did a little caching and some after Christmas shopping.  We saw a couple movies "Reacher" and Django Unchained.  We liked them, Django would not be for the everyone.
Here is Wayne signing a caching log, look close and will see an ad for 99 cent breakfast and believe me Wayne took full advantage of that.  He had that at least 7 times.....

I tried to catch the full moon, well really this was the night before the full moon.  Good thing I took pics the night before because the night of the full moon I forgot about it.

Before long it will be 2013, they years are going by way to fast.  I use to laugh at my Mom for saying that.  It is true tho.  

Wishing everyone a happy new year............................B
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Friday, December 14, 2012


 Christmas is in the air at least in the Foothills here in  Yuma.  For 3 nights there will be Christmas parades in different areas of the foothills. Center picture is of the light on the RZR this was taken when we got home. All other pictures are at the staging area.  Love the Pix of Santa in his Jamies. 
 It was a great time, lot of people out to watch us go by, there was a lot of  rigs, I would say 70 or more.

Merry Christmas  B
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Wednesday, December 12, 2012


 55th street is at it again, telling the story of Christmas.  Now the test is seeing how my new camera works, at night, and from a moving car.  Heaven forbid if I was to walk......  Will work on it and try this again another time.

Hope this helps to get you in the Christmas spirit. 

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Sunday, November 18, 2012


 Old Sacramento is always a favorite place for the boys.  Candy store, where you never know what the RUDE sales clerk will say or do.  The boys really like him.  As  a special treat they did a hourse and buggie ride around Old Sac.  I was with them in spirit!
 Joe's Crab Shack is another favorite.  Just look at that yummy food.  Jace always like ordering some kind of  "Pot" of course everyone has to help.  Bryce's seafood platter look yummy to. 

Will catch you up on our travels........when the mood hits me to write some more..... soon!
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Thursday, October 25, 2012


Our first stop on our way to Yuma was in Hawthorn.  While there we visited with our cacher friends Okra and Desert Lady.  DL even cooked us breakfast, Wayne was in heaven since she fixed biscuits and gravy. 

After breakfast we went caching one cache was in a museum and here is an interesting display of bells that was found in the desert.  Not sure if you can read the story if you enlarge the colloge.  There was really two musems and each one had a cache.  The last pix is of a "First to Find"  yep if you look really close you just might fine it too.
 We are  now in Beatty got here Thur.  Today we spent a few hours in Death Valley.  Here are some pictures of "Artis Drive".  The pixs neve do it justice.
 Shortly after we arrived a coyote welcomed  us.  He was just walking down the road.  On to the salt flats where it claims to be the earths lowest point. Notice the price of gas, that was in the park.  Needless to say we waited till we got back to Beatty to gas up at 3.79.
 Checked out Beatty's museum, very interesting, wide variety of things.  The last pix is a painting on the outside of the building, but it looks like you are going into a mine.  W blended in well with all the other antiques.  B

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Thursday, August 23, 2012


Here we are the night before the Geocaching Block party planning our attack.  Look at the yummy kabobs.  We had such a good time telling tales of our summer adventures.  
This is at the block party in downtown Seattle at Geocache headquarters.  Group pix around 1000 people attended the event. When the group pix was taken we were topside having a soda. First thing JJ and I did was go shopping for shirts and coins.
Here we are at Seattle Locks, we arrived just in time to see them getting the boats in line and to start filling the locks.  Our timing was perfect.  On the way out there was a concert in the park.
Sunday morning was the Ape cave W. and I did not go into the cave to far... It was so cold inside the cave.  JJ, John, Larry, and Beagle road there bikes to the end of the tunnel.  Fun times, what next?

More when the mood hits...................B

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Tuesday, August 07, 2012


 Opening day we took Trace and Cassidy to the fair for rides.  It was free entry and free pancakes so the place was packed.  Trace and Cassidy had a good time on the rides.   Food is about the same as in the past have not found anything great so far. 
 Back at the fair today, here are the little ones mutton busting, some of them did quite well.  10 of them quilfied to come back tonight and compete again. These pixs are from the afternoon. 

Tomorrow Trace and Cassidy will have there cows at the fair......    More then  B
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Saturday, July 28, 2012


  On our way to Oak Harbor we took the time to snap some pictures at Deception Pass Bridge.  Almost a constant stream of traffic across the bridge.
  Lower right corner is a picture of Oak Harbor Tavern.  The only different is now it has a concrete floor instead of wood.  I do not remember it being so small.

Here are the cabins where Charles and I fist lived on Fidalgo Island.  Can not believe that they are still there.  Wayne use to make me run barefooted on the gravel drive.
Here we are in Anacortes WA.  The picture of the marina was taken at Cap Sante Park, what a wonderful view.  The ship was at Altair American memorial Park.

Today started out with breakfast at Farm House Restaurant, Wayne had the works but I was good and had granola, yogurt, and fruit.  Posted a quiz on FB a "can you name this" kinda thing.

On to La Conner it has become a tourist place, only problem today not to many tourist around.  Here are a couple shots of things I found interesting.  The best is the ramp that looks like fish bones..... at least that is what I got out of it.

Wayne remembers taking Chuckanut   Drive to Bellingham.  It is a scenic windy curvie road from Mt Vernon to Bellingham.  Wayne remembers it being a scenic drive of the ocean, well..............that was 50 years ago, you just do not see the ocean that often now.  It was a fun drive.

Checked out Larrabee State Park and discovered not really a park for us.
Went by Swinomish Casino on our way back to the park.  Checked out the Smoke shop but not much there that we wanted.   The totem poles are always interesting.  The first one is in front of the casino.

Who knows what we will do tomorrow.......B
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Monday, July 16, 2012


 While at the coast Trace went skateboarding, I did not go so there is only one pix.... understand he was a little "rusty" to start.  Sure looks like good form to me. 

Tami and the kids went hunting for seashells and here is a cute tenie tine one Tami found.  I went with Tami our last full day there, found a perfect small sand dollar, put it in my pocket and it broke.  Now I have to wait till next year and hope I find another one.

The sign for the buffet, "Saw Blade Buffet" I was going to sneak some pixs of the buffet and as you can see there are none..... once inside and could see all the food all else was forgotten.  Oh well they probable would have kicked me out if I started taking pictures.
 WE ARE AT J's IS NUMBER ONE FISH AND CHIPS ON THE COAST.  At least in my humble opinion.  It is three in the afternoon and all the tables are filled, there might be 3 more tables not shown here.  Had to make a close up of the potato chips they are my favorites.  You have a choice of fries, salt and pepper potato chips, waffle cut fires, or tater tots.  This year they have a lunch special which they never had before.
 Before you get to Lincoln city there is an Elks Club RV park, decided to check it out.  As you can see it is nothing fancy, but we had electricity and water what more could you ask for.  By the time we got back from town we had neighbors all around us.  I think we are in an overflow area, but hey who cares, it is just overnight. 

Now we are back at Paradise Park for the next 10 days, who know what adventures we will have.  B
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Thursday, July 12, 2012


 Finally found good fish and chips here in Coos Bay, and the winner is 'Fisherman Seafood Market'.  It is on the wharf, we had seen the signs but could not see where it was.  Today we spotted the restaurant, if the tide is out you can not see the market since it a floating building.  Very small place only seats 8, two tables. Still not as good as J's but we both enjoyed the fish and the clam chowder. 

Stopped at the casino (I know your surprised) and for once I was betting 90cents a pull and ended up winning 70 dollars.  Tomorrow we will be back at the casino for the Sea Food Buffet, maybe that machine will be nice again.  I am just glad to have a gambling fund again. 
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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

DOUG'S NEW HOUSE (or home when he is in the "doghouse")

Here is Doug sitting on the beach dreaming of all places he can take his new home. He is so proud of his new "toy". No more fighting traffic after the Ducks game. Hunting week end he has it handled. Sure is a cute little thing.
Now for the grand tour, living room, closet, kitchen stove, pantry and shower what more could you want.

Fun times ahead B ...... for Doug
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When it's Grandpa's day we head for Bandon OR. First stop was Big Wheel General Store, time to get a new sweatshirt, or what ever it is that his our fancy. Trace, Cassidy and Tami got sweatshirts, I decided to get sweatpants, even found a cute pink pair. Here is Cassidy and Trace shopping. From there we hit some of the other shops, only bought some things at the candy store. They have the best corn nuts so this year I got 6 packages.
Lunch time found us at Bandon Fish market, Wayne and Tami had fish, the fish is good (not as good as J's tho) I had a crab sandwich and Cassidy and Trace had Corn dogs.
After lunch we checked out the pier, if you enlarge the picture you can read about the pier if you want more info. Beautiful carvings, not sure if they are the same as last year but do believe they are. I think the world globe is new. Trace is such a lightweight and the wind was blowing so hard he had to hang on or get blown away.
This year the pier fence was decorated with dragon drawings from the Jr and Sr high school students. It was hard to decide which ones to post, and I still did not get a picture of all of them.
Our last stop before heading back to camp was the "C0quille River Lighthouse. Trace and I did the tower tour, it is only 47 feet high, I have been up there before but forgot I am older now, just took me a little longer to get up and down. Cassidy and Tami had flip-flops on so they could on to. Once again enlarge the collage and you can read about the lighthouse.

Today is overcast so it is a lot colder than yesterday, do not believe I will be going to the beach today. B
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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

TUESDAY, JULY 10, 2012

Home here I come. Big Brother is helping me. Found my old old blog this we in 2005 when the boys played Tball.

Here is the old blog, but who has that much time on there hands. Still think there is a third blog out there somewhere. Will see if I can find it too.

Monday, July 09, 2012


 This year we are at the beach campground it will be nice to just walk to the beach.  In order to go play in the sand we will have to drive farther.  Dick and Grace has joined us this year, they are John's Uncle and Aunt.  So far the weather has been mild, not to windy and not really cold but not warm either.  Just typical coastal weather.

Have great Internet and phone reception here.  YEAH!!!!!     B
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