Monday, September 12, 2011


Judy and Autumn invited me to join them for a Amy Grant concert in Redding last nigh and what a great time we had. I was not smart enough to look up Amy Grant to check out who we were seeing, Judy told me is was a Christian concert and that was good enough for me. Now anyone that knows me knows the music is noise to me......I enjoy especially live performances, live makes for better noise.

The concert was at the Cascade theater and it only seats 1001, it has been refurbished and is very nice. I tried to get some pictures but of course snap shots never do things justice.

On the way home from Redding we had another show, it was lighting and I love lighting, few rain drops here and there but no thunder and I enjoy thunder just about as much as lighting. What a perfect evening.

This morning I talked to my sister Sue and she knew who Amy is and the fact that she is married to Vince Gill.
Next time I will check things out better, at least I will know who and what I will be seeing.

It is shaping up to being another nice day in Corning, only in the mid 90's, hopefully we are done with the 100+.

Time to get ready for a lunch date......poor Wayne is on his own again at least till after lunch. B

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