Sunday, September 25, 2011


A couple post ago I posted pictures of Mary Lou and Linda when they arrived in Hawaii, this is some of the high points of there cruise. They went sightseeing with brother Ed until boarding cruise ship at 4:00 pm.
Here is City of Refuge in Kona, it was a holy place for people to seek refuge when breaking the law. Had to swim there and stay for a few days until cleansed. Inside Painted Church is the alter and one of the paintings.
L at the eye of the needle, I remember Louise taking a pix of me standing there, very same spot I am sure. Kahului, Maui where they toured Haleakala National Park here is the crater with smoke rising. ML and L by a lake. On there way they found a Guava on the ground so they had a sample.... I know they would not shake the tree!!!! No really they would NOT.
On to Nawiliwili, Kauai where they went on a Grotto cruise It is a beautiful walk from the boat to the Grotto. Linda giving us the Shaka sign. ML and L at Walmea Canyon dang did not get the great pix of the blow hole and canyon L sent....sorry. No going to start over.......

Luau on Kauai believe it was the one at the Sheraton, needless to say they had a wonderful time and look how beautiful they look in there mumus, and Orchids. L was such a good girl and ate all her food, I am so hungry for HI food just looking at her plate. Lot of hula dancing and Hawaii music, L and ML never said if they got up and did the hula....wonder???

Sorry Linda did not get things posted in order, don't tell anyone they will not know the difference....that is except Louise.

Want to tell you how much I have enjoyed L and ML's cruise, every day they would send pix's to family and friends, made me feel like I was there with with them even if it was for only a few minutes. Brought back lots of good memories of times in HI. NOW I want to take one of the HI cruses......

Aloha B
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Sunday, September 18, 2011


Arrived in Woodland early afternoon on Thursday in time to get the rig set up at the fairgrounds. Rhonda called to let me know she had not had lunch so she would be home by 4ish. Rhon picked me up and we went shopping at Costco, got dinner while there, rotisserie chicken, potato salad, and ice cream. Wanted to keep it simple and can not think of any simpler that that.

Bryce had football practice so we stopped by for a short while to watched. This year they have a young lady on the team you can see the long hair under the helmet she is a good little player. W met us at the house for a bite to eat, he would have come by the practice field but he could not remember what street it was on. Nice relaxing early evening.
Friday was Mother and Daughter bonding day it started out at 10:00am with a manicure and pedicure we got "the woks" which included foot and hand massage, hot wax on hand and feet (did not want a wrong impression here) also hot rocks on feet and legs. It was oh so nice, I could start everyday that way.

Steve called and said that Rhonda needed the tires rotated on her car so we headed for the shop which is next to Brown Bar and grill. Since it was noon Steve met us for a bite to eat.....before Steve got there I snapped a pix of Rhonda and we were so into our day that was the only picture I took all day long, I know hard to believe but you see the proof.

We hit the outlet malls in Vacaville at Ross I found a new purse it is Guess and very roomy, wish it had more pockets but guess you can not have everything. That was all I found, we hit a couple more stores but nothing hit our fancy. Got a quick snack and hit the road for Woodland and the movies. "The Help" was what Rhonda wanted to see and I was so glad because I did too. I had seen the movie with Judy, then I read the book and as soon as I finished the book I said "I want to see the movie again" !!!!! If you have not seen the movie I highly recommend it. Needless to say it was a perfect day.

Saturday morning Jace and Rhonda met us at Don's Diner for a nice leisurely breakfast before Bryce's football game.

Woodland played Grant and Grant has some huge players, they do weigh ins before the games and #70 weighed in at 220 and #99 at 190. The wolves kept it to 0 to 0 during the game, had to play a second overtime and whoever scored won and unfortunately Grant scored.
Poor Bryce got hit in the leg with a helmet that put him down for a while. He was done for this game but after having an ice pack on his leg he was able to walk out on the field to for the closing hand shake. A slice of Pizza help too!!! Rhonda told me later he went to the car races.

Wayne and I headed home by way of Coulusa and the only thing I can say is they let us play for a while.

Home unload the MH and head for the casino for a bite eat, W had a hamburger (surprise) and I had a Southwest chipotle salad with steak I got the regular size which is huge and at it all. Needless to say I was hungry!!

The collage below is of my friends from Indiana they are now in Hawaii on a cruise. With the electronic world we live in I a enjoying there trip too with IM. Today they boarded there ship for a 6 day cruise. Board at 4pm arrive back at 10pm.....what do you say when you get off a ship..... not deplane, or depart (I think that is when you leave the dock) ....deboat I guess walk the gang planks out. OH well you know what I am talking about.

Here are a few shots so far, the lei's are so beautiful
Plumeria and Orchids, ginger and Pikake'. Love the double sipping. Looks like they enjoyed Benny Hana's. Seeing the beach in Honolulu makes me homesick to head back to HI, it has been a while. You up for a cruise Louise???

That is it for now......B

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Monday, September 12, 2011


Judy and Autumn invited me to join them for a Amy Grant concert in Redding last nigh and what a great time we had. I was not smart enough to look up Amy Grant to check out who we were seeing, Judy told me is was a Christian concert and that was good enough for me. Now anyone that knows me knows the music is noise to me......I enjoy especially live performances, live makes for better noise.

The concert was at the Cascade theater and it only seats 1001, it has been refurbished and is very nice. I tried to get some pictures but of course snap shots never do things justice.

On the way home from Redding we had another show, it was lighting and I love lighting, few rain drops here and there but no thunder and I enjoy thunder just about as much as lighting. What a perfect evening.

This morning I talked to my sister Sue and she knew who Amy is and the fact that she is married to Vince Gill.
Next time I will check things out better, at least I will know who and what I will be seeing.

It is shaping up to being another nice day in Corning, only in the mid 90's, hopefully we are done with the 100+.

Time to get ready for a lunch date......poor Wayne is on his own again at least till after lunch. B

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Tuesday, September 06, 2011

MY NEW FAVORITE PLACE Is the web site. The Olive Mill and store is here in Corning just off old 99. You will have to checkout there story.
I picked up some lemon and an orange olive oil.....yesterday I had orange olive oil over vanilla ice cream with pine nuts, it was so good. Kinda bothered my mind olive oil on ice cream you got to be kidding me!

As you can tell we have not been doing much, it is hot and Wayne does not feel like doing much when it is hot. We do manage to make it to the casino most days. Had OF breakfast this morning, I was so good ate, yogurt and fruit and then had an omelet. No greasy potatoes, no sausage, no bacon. See I really was good.

It had been in or close to 100 the last couple weeks so we spend lots of time in the house with the air conditioning on. I do read outside as long as it is only 90's, with Wayne yelling at me "its hot out there".

Just wanted everyone know that we are still around just not doing anything exciting. B

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