Sunday, July 31, 2011


Once again here we are at J's fish & chips, yesterday we were told the seafood chowder would be ready at 11:30 am today, we arrived at 11:31 am. It has taken me 6 years to finally get to taste the SFC, always before they were either out or it was not done yet. One time I was told I could have a free bowl of chowder since I had always missed the SFC but we never made it back at that time. Today I had a boul of SFC and fish and chips.....I did give Wayne one of my pieces of fish.
After lunch we headed down the coast towards Newport, our first stop was Deope Bay, this is where people come to whale watch but there was none in site today. We did see some people fishing from the rocks.....wonder if they were fishing for whales? When we arrived there was a row of seagulls to welcome us. It must have been to windy for them to fly because there were a lot of them sitting on the picnic tables. Hope no one wanted to have a picnic.
Here we are at the pier at Newport we watched people dropping crab pots in the water. We also watched a tourist crab boat come in, a couple people had 8 to 10 crabs. On the pier they have big vats of boiling water so they can cook the crabs for the tourist.
Here is the famous Depoe bay bridge. Some random shots of the downtown, some stores and some murals and a pier. Update info Wall #059 'Gray Whales off Oregon Coast' Depoe Bay Fish Company 617 SW Bay Blvd. Newport, Oregon 100 Feet Long x 35 Feet High, this was done Aug 29 1994. Looked this up on the Internet so the facts would be correct.

We are still at the parking lot of Chinook Winds, and the wind is still blowing. Tomorrow afternoon we will head to Devils Lake State Park. That is about 2 miles from where we are now.

Wonder what we will do tomorrow.............B

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Saturday, July 30, 2011


Arrive at Sand lake a day early since we were homeless anyhow. Beautiful sunny warm day, this is at the day use area. Got settled in our space and then headed for the dunes. It was so nice and smooth, we were able to go VERY fast. No pix of the camp site, if you really want to see what it looks just find a blog from years past......nothing much changes at camp. Come to think of it nothing changes at the dunes either. It is just fun all the time.
Thursday we headed for Tillamook Cheese Factory, went the scenic route along the ocean. Stopped at the Anderson Lookout. You can see a volley ball game being played on the beach, a real birds eye view. On to the Tillamook Cheese Factory and sampled all the cheeses, the ice cream line was to long so we went in search of clam chowder. We ended up at Pirates Cove we have been there before but this time the chowder was disappointing. Well have to find a different place next year.
Hummm think these pix were taken on the dunes Wednesday, that was the only day I went out on the dunes. Pretty much the same pictures of past years.
Friday night Doug and Trace came to spend the night and play in the dunes. Doug and Trace decided that the RZR goes to fast...... but that did not really slow them down. Trace was so cute in his sleeping bag, looked like a little green worm with a big smile. Don't tell Trace I said that!!!

This morning Trace and I went to the beach, twice. Trace rode his bike and I walked, got to the beach and discovered I did not have my camera. I know that is very hard to believe but it is true. Got some cool and unusual pictures on the beach, unfortunately they did not make a good collage. Will have to post some of them separately.

Have been without the Internet since Thursday so will get this posted and check my email B
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Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Cows are getting use to the farm and settling down, yeah right! Time to get ready to start the training, not sure if the kids are training the cows or the other way around.
The cows are still a little standoffish, but the kids are hanging in there doing the best they can.
An hour into training and there is some progress.
Do not remember any of the names of the cows, The names only mean something to the cow and the trainer..... we will just call this one "the beast" . TB and Kevin and Tami are still working out who is boss when it comes to training.
The best thing about 4H is it is a family affair, you are seeing lifetime memories in the making. B

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Sunday, July 24, 2011


was held at Aldrbrook Park which is a private park. We arrived early to stake out the best place to watch the baseball game and to people watch. WC brought a couple of there trucks, boy those things are big. We arrived before the clowns got there, we had to wait for them to get set up with there face painting.
I was the first one to have my face painted, I had a daisy with a bumble bee. Chelsea and Tami had cows.....chelsea's had undders, and Haliey had a butterfly. The center picture is of Cassidy and Haliey at the boat dock, they had been out in the paddle boats earlier, in the lake you can see the fish jumping, and a snake swimming by.
A family that has a rescue farm brought some of there animals on the way we saw a bear in the woods. There were 3 alpaca's, a black and white rabbit that felt like velvet, a ferret, and a Lionhead rabbit. Other animals not pictured was mini horses and small goats. Tami and I went back a couple time to visit and pet the animals.
Here is Tami getting her face painted. The other pix are just us having a great time kicking back and relaxing after a nice dinner. BBQ chicken and ribs, tossed green salad, slaw, potato salad, water melon, corn on the cob, baked beans and rolls. Needless to say no one went hungry. Oh yeah, they also served hot dogs from the time we got there till we left. Needless to say if you left hungry it was not for lack of food being available.
Derek and his children sat with us and it was amazing to watch him with the kids. Fenn four and a half and twins Simone and Estelle two and a half, they are all so cute. They are also very active, Derek would feed one twin and then the other and then the twins would feed him. Fenn even got into helping his sisters eat. It was wonderful watching him with his children, he tried to rest for a while while we watched a baseball game. The last pix is if D and his crew taking a train ride......

What a fun wonderful day we had, thank you Waste Connections for letting us enjoy your picnic. B

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Saturday, July 23, 2011


Here we are outside of Applebee's waiting for a table since there was 9 of us it took a while. It was a fun night with the Morris and Miracle family's. It was a good time, then to top the evening off Doug treated us to DQ, thanks Doug. Tami had her class reunion meet and greet last night, sounds like she had a good time. Tonight it the class reunion dinner at a winery, really looking forward to hearing all about tonight.
Trace and Doug are refurbishing a 1991 BMX bike, today they worked at stripping off all the lettering, getting it ready for the powder coating people. Will not tell you anything about the paint job want it to be a surprise. Plus I probably would not get it right.

Did not do much today, Costco little shopping and lunch and hung out with Doug and Trace. Trace and I finished a jig saw puzzle of course Trace put in the last piece. Tami and Cassidy was shopping more visiting when they got home.

Just a nice relaxing fun day in the GNW...... B
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Thursday, July 21, 2011


Yesterday was a busy day, once we got out and about we went caching, found 15 in all. Had forgotten how differnt town caching is, all those cars kept getting in our way. Good thing W was driving. Ofcoruse we chose easy finds, good thing we went caching yesterday since it is raining today. Stopped at Baskin Robbins for Ice ceram, I got a small and should have asked for a kids size, I ate it all but it was to much. Never thought I would say that!
It was after 6:00pm when the M&M MILKSHAKERS got done with the Vet and arrived at Bob's Farm. Grandpa Dale, cames roaring in with a load of 8 cows, now these cow have always been out in the pasture so they are not very people friendly at this point. Some of them were down right onery, there was three people pushing and pulling to get some of them out of the trailer. Glad I was only taking pictures. Thanks to Kevin being there Tami did not have to work quite so hard helping getting the cows settled. Belive me it took them all to do the job.
Here is Wayne being a maniack on the tractor, thank goodness they never gave him the keys. Haliey and her famous smile. Trace sitting on the fence. All three girls, Chelsea, Haliey, and Cassidy. All the 4Hers plotting there training plans. Well maybe at this point just staying out of the way.
They fianlly got most of the cows settled down and it was time for the 4H'ers to get aquainted with there cows. Giving them all grain helped a lot. There was one cow that was not having anything to do with even the grain. Few more days working with the cows they will be settled down and be ready to learn. The middle picture is of April showing the 4H'ers an easy way to tie a rope. Thank goodness all I am expected to do is take pictures. Wayne has found his job to, that is holding down the tractor so it does not get away.

More of the cow saga later.....B
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Sunday, July 17, 2011


After lunch at the Seafood Station we went in search of a Peg Leg Pirate that Wayne could use as a flag for his RZR, one was finally found in Old Town Florence. TRC is where we parked again, where free parking is not free. We had a senior breakfast it was OK but will not do that again. There is a Hot Rod cafe that would have been a better choice and much cheaper. Luck was not with us today.

We are now parked at Paradise Point again all set for the next 10 days. B
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After lunch at the Seafood Station we went in search of a Peg Leg Pirate that Wayne could use as a flag for his RZR, one was finally found in Old Town Florence. TRC is where we parked again, where free parking is not free. We had a senior breakfast it was OK but will not do that again. There is a Hot Rod cafe that would have been a better choice and much cheaper. Luck was not with us today.

We are now parked at Paradise Point again all set for the next 10 days. B

Saturday, July 16, 2011


We have blogged about Sea Food Station before. It is an old gas station turned into a small restaurant. I do believe it was 5 years ago that we stopped here the first time. This year they have a new cook, Kane Haole (Hawaiian name) he is from Maui, and has created a new menu Aloha Susi and Foods From Hawaii, besides the regular menu that they have always had, there is also a daily catch of the day special. OH so many choices and I ended up with the same ole thing.
After I had already stated eating Wayne asked if I had my camera, that is why my plate is hidden a little bit, most of my slaw was gone. I was able to have fish and chips with my fish grilled. It was ono!!! Do believe this was the best we have had at Seafood Station.

We are now parked at Three Rivers Casino parking lot, gambled a little bit when we first got here and W lost, I was ahead 275.....that is $2.75. Played again when we got back from town and I ended up $20.00 ahead and W almost even. I am sure we will go back to the casino at least one more time.

Rain this morning, which around here I am sure they call a heavy mist, now it is sunny and kinda warm if you can all low 60,s warm. Will head for Vancouver tomorrow sometime, our spot at Paradise Point will be ready in the afternoon.

Will write again today when I hit it big...............B
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Friday, July 15, 2011


Out Wayne and I caching with Johnnie this morning, a little cool so it was the prefect time to cache. Lots of trees in the Great Northwest and that always make for a different kind of caching. Lots of flowers too and could not pass up the chance to get some pix. John was the star today and found 2 of 3 caches.....the third cache I found but since it was a spider Johnnie had to get it I just pointed the way.

Seafood at the casino tonight.....YUMMY B
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Thursday, July 14, 2011


This morning Tami, Cassidy and I went shopping, no pix because we were to busy shopping. We all found a few goodies, and then had a subway lunch. The rest played on the dunes.

Wayne and I managed to get two trip to the casino. The second trip was after a visit to the local DQ. As you can see everyone was in a party mood. After our sweet tooth was satisfied we talked Tami, Charlene into going to the casino. I am sure be will be back tomorrow to try again.

Another fun day at the dunes......B
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Wednesday, July 13, 2011


We have our own pyrotechnic, that would be John, every year he bring enough wood so we could have a huge fire every night and still have wood left. A nice warm fire is always so relaxing. Thanks John.

Made another casino run and Tami and Wayne did OK.......Charlene and I cried all the way home. OH well I am sure we will have another chance to break even.

This afternoon Charlene, Cassidy and I took the dogs for a walk, ended up walking a mile and half, need to do that more often.

Two post in one day unbelievable.......B
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Monday night us girls decided Wayne NEEDED to take us to the casino for a little gambling. It was a hard sell but he finally gave in and took us the the Mill Casino. Wayne left happy since he played, had a clam chowder and fries and was still a couple bucks ahead. The rest of us just enjoyed playing.

Tuesday was raining so first thing W and I did was laundry for the first time since we left home. When we got back to camp it was still overcast so we took Tami and Cassidy to Bandon. First stop was to buy sweatshirts and then on to Fish and Chips Chowder House. Then us girls went shopping at all the little shops, I found some books and Cassidy got some candy and Tami got to pay for Cassidy's candy. This is a yearly thing Grandpa has been doing for 25 years or so.

Once again here is Wayne and Doug bonding that was last night. Today we hit the dunes here are a few pix . Once again we went to the beach, it sure can be cold at the beaches here. Now everyone is in camp reading or sleeping what a lazy relaxing day.

More later even if I have nothing to say.......B
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Monday, July 11, 2011


Wayne and I arrived and got our rig set up by noon..... around two Doug, Tami, Trace, Cassidy, John and Charlene arrived. An hour later camp was completely set up. Amazing how quick they can get things set up.....could it be that the duns was calling "come and play" ?
Trace on his scooter. Ollie, and Pedro has there own little play area. They like to come to our motor home to visit. Cassidy unloading wood that John always brings so we can have a huge fire. As you can see camp was a busy place this afternoon. Now that camp is all set time to go play.........

The pictures below are of the us on the dunes and at the beach. It was a fun afternoon and so relaxing. All for now........B

Sunday, July 10, 2011


First picture is of a SLUG, I had to take a picture, have never seen one that large. That is a 5 inch ratchet laying next to the slug.

Wayne and Doug was once again having Father and Son bonding time, as you can see in the second pix. Honest to God this is a different picture than the one I posted in my last blog. Anyhow Doug came up with the idea of shrinking Trace, Wayne encouraged this just to make me groan. Trace was such a hit the girls, Halley and Cassidy had to get in on the fun.

We are now in Florence OR, Wayne has updated his blog so I will let him tell you all about where we are now.

More update as they happen.......B
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