Tuesday, February 08, 2011


The Sunday morning started out with breakfast at Yuma Landing, and then on to Picacho CA for a day of caching. I decided that I was OK to go along, also knew they would be coming back in time for the Super Bowl. I had been in this area before but this time got to see much more of the area.

The center pix show JJ going the speed limit, could it be because he is following a policeman? La8 and JJ off loading and planning the best way to find the caches. We ended up getting around 28 or so, but there was some climbing to do so I supervised that part of the find.
There is a monument where the Picacho Mine use to be, it was also a virtual cache. The rest are random shots of the different rock formations. It was fun running in the wash, that is as long as you do not get stuck. I believe the body of water is Taylor lake. Camping here is very primitive, not my kind of camping. Look close at the catus pix, the sunlight makes it look like it's glowing.

Fun day of course, but by the time we got home I was ready to curl up with my book and relax, and that is what I did. B
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