Monday, February 28, 2011


A fun time was had by all at the S.W.A.G event at Gateway Park in Yuma AZ. So many people and so little time to visit with everyone, but I sure tried. Wayne took care of the tickets for the 50/50 drawing, dang I do not know who won those.... Gerri was in charge of Travel bugs, there were so many TB's this year and everyone of them was sent on there way to a new destination. Norm was in charge of the sign in sheet, and giving everyone a ticket for the drawing. Ed was in charge of interviewing as many caches that would talk to him. He did a great job what a "gift to gab" he has. We had a poker run for those that wasted to participate, that is always fun and helps you work up an appetite.

No matter what you do in life there is always a line, which is OK with cachers, that way you have a captive audience for telling your favorite caching stories. You will know where there from and hear all about there favorite cache. Don't forget about the cats, dogs and kids too.
The first 3 pix were taken from the bridge, just a different view of things. There is John getting ready for the poker run, him and his helpers.
A lot of work goes into getting the BBQ ready, JJ and crew did a great job as always. Tri tip, refried beans, slaw and tortilla, yummm, what more could you want. OH YEAH, cookies that is what more, and Betty Jo (JJ's Mom) made us some yummy cookies. Once again a job well done by all.

See you all same place next year...............B (crzoldy)
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Saturday, February 26, 2011


This afternoon we had our warm up event at Lutes Casino in old town Yuma. Nice turn out and a lot of new caches. I was in my element visiting with new caches, I am leaning that no matter what part of the country your from cachers always show up early for events. New camera and still learning how to use it so did not take as many pictures as I normally do.

I can hear rain on the roof, and rain is predicted for tomorrow, just hope the storm is showing up early and tomorrow will be a beautiful sunny day. No tomorrow WILL be a beautiful sunny day. Power of positive thinking you know.

Will try to be better and take more pictures tomorrow. B
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Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I am sure you have already seen Wayne's blog and know that he (we) have a new toy. This was Saturday the day he bought the RzrXP 900. There was an orange RzrS 800 on the floor and as far as I knew that was the one going home with us. Imagine my surprise when he said let me see the red one. Well it has bigger tires, bigger motor, the body is wider, and heavy duty shocks, so needless to say it was a no brainer. Got the papers all signed, extras ordered and make plans to return on the 22ND and they would have everything ready.
Got a note from Frank and Suz on Tuesday morning saying they would meet us in Parker, what a pleasent surprise. They are boondocking outside of Lake Havasu, about 20 miles from Parker. We all arrived at the shop at the same time. The guys picked up all the paper work and headed for DMV to do there thing there. Suz and I went to a bakery next door and had coffee, and a nice visit. The bakery owner was quit chatty so that also helped pass the time. Before we all went our separate ways we had lunch at Rupurtios mexican reastaurnt, it was as good on Tuesday as it was on Saturday when we stopped there for the fist time. Fast food, hole in the wall with good food.
This afternoon we took the Rzr out in the desert on it's first official run. We found around 20 caches and gave our new toy a good run. When we got home Wayne took our neighbor Nate out for a spin, Nate said Wayne got the Rzr up to 60. Compared to the Rhino it is a real smooth ride. Can't wait to see what it will do in the sand.

My old phone bit the dust and ate all my contact numbers, what a pain that is. Now I have a iPhone and think I am finally starting to figure out a little bit. I guess it is good for old people to learn new things. B
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Monday, February 14, 2011


Sunday we ended our day of caching at this superb Mexican restaurant outside of El Centro. It was opened Dec 12, 1946 and now the 3rd generations of the family are running There the restaurant. Understand the Grandmother still cooks a full shift there. The Discovery channel was there last week and will air a program about the history of Camacho's Place. The food was so good, and Wayne was impressed how they placed the food on his plate. Can you tell which meal was his? CP started the deep fried Quesadilla and it is to "die for". That is what Betty Jo (JJ's Mom) told me and it is true. I had a Chili Relleno and Tamale, I want to try everything on the menu. We all shared a cheese Quesadilla, yumm, yumm. If you click on the picture it will be large enough to read about the restaurant.

Our day started at 7:00am at the Holiday Inn for the S.W.A.G Feb. breakfast, no pictures this time, just go to one from last month and this month was about the same. Maybe a few more new people. We can sure pack a room early on Sunday morning.

After breakfast the A Team headed for El Centro CA to cache that area. Like Yuma does not have enough caches to keep us busy. There are probably 2,000 caches in the Yuma, Welton area. I do believe it is now day 45 of Wayne and I finding at least one cache a day.

Today Wayne sold his Rhino, and last week he sold the Suzi, now he can not decide if he was a Rzr, or Canam, they are faster than the Rhino. Will keep you posted which one he decides on. Boy's and there toy's what can I say.

That is it for now, B
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Saturday, February 12, 2011


life is good. We had a fun day Caching with fsrvers, to non cacheres that is Frank and Suzahanna. Suz's sister is here from Ohio, and they have been having a ball and on the go all the time. They are headed for Quartsite and then on to then it will be time for Sandy to head back to the snow country.

We did find 79 or 80 caches, did one of the pole dancing series, it was fun and a great number bumper but would not like to cache like that all the time. Need a challenge every now and then. Believe me here in Yuma you can find any kind of cache you want, lots of challenging finds out there. Lot of long hikes and mountain climbing if your into that kinda thing. Thanks goodness I am old and can not do that type of cache anymore, that is my story and I am sticking to it!!!!
Ligurta Station is one of the unique restaurants here in AZ. It is a hole in the wall but for Sunday morning breakfast you need reservations and if you do not have them you can sit at the bar if there is room. We had burgers, you can order them rare if you want.....but they all come well done, there policy. Wayne always order his rare anyhow. Friday and Saturday nights they have prime rib which you have to reserve your prime rib. They have 3 seating's for those nights 5:00, 6:00 and 7:00 pm. Remember us old folks have to be home by dark.

Not sure these pix are any better but they were taken with my new Fuji camera that is dust proof, shock proof, water proof, and freeze proof................NOW we will see about all of that!

Later B

Tuesday, February 08, 2011


The Sunday morning started out with breakfast at Yuma Landing, and then on to Picacho CA for a day of caching. I decided that I was OK to go along, also knew they would be coming back in time for the Super Bowl. I had been in this area before but this time got to see much more of the area.

The center pix show JJ going the speed limit, could it be because he is following a policeman? La8 and JJ off loading and planning the best way to find the caches. We ended up getting around 28 or so, but there was some climbing to do so I supervised that part of the find.
There is a monument where the Picacho Mine use to be, it was also a virtual cache. The rest are random shots of the different rock formations. It was fun running in the wash, that is as long as you do not get stuck. I believe the body of water is Taylor lake. Camping here is very primitive, not my kind of camping. Look close at the catus pix, the sunlight makes it look like it's glowing.

Fun day of course, but by the time we got home I was ready to curl up with my book and relax, and that is what I did. B
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