Friday, July 23, 2010


I am starting out with pictures of flowers, flags, and totem pole, because 8-10 loads of laundry in the laundry room would have been ugly.

I am rather proud of myself because I did not start the laundry yesterday when we got home. Trying to mellow out in my old age. Well the last load is in the dryer and all but what goes back in the MH is put away.

Wayne has told you about the trip home, so can not add anything there. Had a pleasant surprise when we were getting ready to be seated for the buffet we discovered Judy, Bob and Jerry was one couple behind us so our table for two jumped to table for five. It was so nice to get caught up on all the goings on around town, of course that took two minutes.

Checked my emails today, can not believe that I had not even turned the computer on for two that is TWO day. That is unheard of.

That's it for now.... stay tuned more later B
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