Friday, July 16, 2010


Once again we make our way to Portland and Clyde's Prime Rib, it is famous for there "meat cart" that come to your table and carves your meat. I must have been to excited about food arriving I never took a picture of the cart or the carver. It has chandlers, old time pictures and even a suit of armor. I had Trace pose in front of the armor. Look closely at the picture of Wayne and I he is smiling or has gas you be the judge.
Here is a sampling of what we had for dinner, guess who had the Giant cut of Prime rib..... If you guessed Doug your right, it is a joy to just watch him eat. Trace had chicken strips and Tami tried there chicken fried steak, that looked good to me too. The rest of us joined Doug with the prime rib but in a smaller cut. It was all Yummy.
Get out to the parking lot and what do we find.... Doug car had been hit, of course no one came into the restaurant and said "oops I hit a car in your parking lot". NOT a good note to end the evening on but thank goodness for insurance.

Got to go and rest still full from dinner.......B
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