Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Went to Woodland last Sunday to see My Boy's and what a good time we had. First thing I could not believe how much Gauge had grown in two months. He is at the chewing stage and getting into all kinds of trouble. Jace and Bryce had a great time playing in "Guys and Dolls" and there already looking forward to doing another play next year. I am waiting for the DVD to come out, hopefully it will be next week. Rhonda, The boys and I hit the road for some shopping therapy, hit some stores in Woodland and then on to Davis to see what we could see. Did more shopping than buying. Had to stop at Borders Book store so I could rest and Jace could have some hot chocolate before band practice.
Jace had his "Groupies" at band practice, this was the first time I had seen the band practice. It was quite interesting and Jace sang in 3 songs.....one was a solo....you Rock Jace!
They have a performance next Saturday, not sure if i will be able to make it to that one. It was a fun day spending time with the boys and Rhon. Wayne kept busy holding down the couch and making sure the TV stayed where it belonged. He did take time out to go to Cache Creek and visit his Red Brothers. Nice relaxing Sunday with Family.

Now time to get busy........B
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Friday, July 23, 2010


I am starting out with pictures of flowers, flags, and totem pole, because 8-10 loads of laundry in the laundry room would have been ugly.

I am rather proud of myself because I did not start the laundry yesterday when we got home. Trying to mellow out in my old age. Well the last load is in the dryer and all but what goes back in the MH is put away.

Wayne has told you about the trip home, so can not add anything there. Had a pleasant surprise when we were getting ready to be seated for the buffet we discovered Judy, Bob and Jerry was one couple behind us so our table for two jumped to table for five. It was so nice to get caught up on all the goings on around town, of course that took two minutes.

Checked my emails today, can not believe that I had not even turned the computer on for two that is TWO day. That is unheard of.

That's it for now.... stay tuned more later B
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Monday, July 19, 2010


Larry and Audrey drove to Vancouver and we all went to lunch at Red Robbin. My burger is the one pictures is a Blue cheese bacon fried onion straws and tomatoes. And it was YUMMY. Had to take advantage of the Red Robbin for a photo op, look close and you will see the RR in the hot air balloon. Was not able to finish my burger but it was close. Had a great visit with L & A.
Tonight was the first time the 4H kids worked with there animals, it is only 3 weeks till fair time and it looks to me like they have a lot of hard work ahead of them. It is like this every year, unruly animals, and but before long they will calm down and do what there handlers want. Right now it is Cow Rule......Cassidy's cow laid down as if to say "I am done." Trace had his calf following him fairly well. This will be the first time in several years that we will not be here for the fair. No fair food, rides with the kids, checking out the commercial building and getting free stuff, or seeing the kids show there animals. BUT will be home for the Woodland CA fair so I will get different fair food and check out the commercial building, not sure on the rides. What ever it will be fun and I will get to go to a fair.

Tomorrow we will park in front of Doug's house and then head out for CA on Wed morning, take our time to get home. Wayne will complain about the heat but he will have to handle it!!!!

More after we are home B
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Sunday, July 18, 2010


Today was the perfect day for a BBQ, by the time cooking time got here it was nice and sunny and not to warm. Doug, Tami, Cassidy, Trace and Ollie were the first to arrive. Mark and Erin was here a short time later. We had a nice visit before dinner, and Mark had his gigicounter with him so all the kids searched for treasure, Tami, Mark, Erie, Cassidy and Trace found a few things.....Mark is showing off his belt buckle, and Tami found 3 pennys.
After the big treasure hunt we had to beg Wayne to get the steaks started, boy it did not take long for the steaks to cook. They were enjoyed by all, along with baked beans, mac salad, baked potatoes, chips, candy and twinkies rounded. Can anyone out there say STUFFED? Needless to say no
one left hungry. Nice to kick back and visit after dinner. Another successful BBQ at Paradise Park.

Will try this again next year B
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Friday, July 16, 2010


Once again we make our way to Portland and Clyde's Prime Rib, it is famous for there "meat cart" that come to your table and carves your meat. I must have been to excited about food arriving I never took a picture of the cart or the carver. It has chandlers, old time pictures and even a suit of armor. I had Trace pose in front of the armor. Look closely at the picture of Wayne and I he is smiling or has gas you be the judge.
Here is a sampling of what we had for dinner, guess who had the Giant cut of Prime rib..... If you guessed Doug your right, it is a joy to just watch him eat. Trace had chicken strips and Tami tried there chicken fried steak, that looked good to me too. The rest of us joined Doug with the prime rib but in a smaller cut. It was all Yummy.
Get out to the parking lot and what do we find.... Doug car had been hit, of course no one came into the restaurant and said "oops I hit a car in your parking lot". NOT a good note to end the evening on but thank goodness for insurance.

Got to go and rest still full from dinner.......B
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Monday, July 12, 2010

2700 TH FIND

The last two days we have been at William Tugman State Park. Where we are parked it sounds like it is raining and it is things falling off the fir trees. One pine cone was so loud if it had been in the middle of the night it would have woke us up.

Yesterday and today we got some caching in, only found 10 in all but that was enough to make my 2700. Wayne is 80-90 something ahead of me.

This morning we started out with a late breakfast at Bedrock Cafe, I had chicken fried steak and eggs, with a biscuit (big) sorry forgot to take pictures. Wayne had sausage and eggs. It was an OK breakfast, there is also a Pizza place there in the Bedrock complex that looks good.

Went to Three Rivers Casino and it took my money so fast my head is still spinning.....It was not quite as bad for Wayne.

Tomorrow we will head back to Vancouver and park in front of Doug and Tami' house. Hummmmmm must text Tami and let her know our plans.

Check W's blog for the last days at Coos Bay, hate for both of us telling the same thing.

Back to Vancouver and Laundry.......B
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Sunday, July 11, 2010


You never know what your going to see when you travel the highways of America. Today we were traveling 101 outside of Reedsport and there was someone walking, after we went past I said "that was a pig" yep someone walking with a pig in a stroller. Wayne found a place to make a U turn and back we go. Found Jason and Petunia "walkin' across America for cancer awarness. You will have to check out his blog http://jason-blanton.blogspot.com/. Very interesting and detremined man on a good cause.

Tomorrow I will catch everyone up on our travels....B
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Tuesday, July 06, 2010


Arrived at Coos Bay yesterday afternoon and set up camp. Our motor home is parked where we can watch people go out and come in from the dunes. As you can see we "circled the wagons" hummmm more of a square the rigs. It works well because all the bikes, kids Razor and Rhino's are all in the middle, all nice and safe. Poor Wayne and Ollie worked so hard the crashed on the couch.
Here are some shots from our trip out on the dunes, Trace drove the Razor out and Cassidy drove back. It has been windy enough that the dunes are "fluffy" or what ever they call it.....maybe the word is smooth, whatever there nice. The middle picture is of Doug "catching air". We drove to the beach it is nice to just kick back and watch the ocean. No oil slick here but there was a couple spots looked very dirty not sure what that was. It was nice out on the dune.

Tonight Wayne had to go into the Mill Casino to get his "fix", Charlene, and Tami went with us. Wayne and I both won a little bit. I like it when that happens, just wish it happened more often. The girls did not loose to much......Tami might have broke even.

That is it for this time from Camp CB 2010................B
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Here is a sampling of some of the goodies we had to eat, not shown is Otto's hot dog and Tami's wonderful BBQ ribs. Wayne went crazy over the lemon bars. Thanks Becky and Kevin, they always shows you a good time. Nice relaxing kick back day.

The kids were in charge of the fire works and did they have a great time. I think Trace and Chelsie set off most of them. Believe it or not they lit off fireworks for at least 5 hours. Haley and Cassidy decided they needed more fireworks so they talked Tami into taking them.

Every now and then Trace had to lay down and rest, he was a very busy boy all day. This was one fun filled kick back days. B

Thursday, July 01, 2010


Have tried 3 times to post pictures of Wayne getting ready for the yearly trip to CB, each time with pictures and the site would not let me post..... so will try with not pictures.

Monday Wayne decided he needed a bigger, longer trailer to haul his toys, found what he wanted in Portland, and made the deal. Monday night while surfing the web he found a bigger better, wider, longer trailer at the same place. Tuesday morning made a call and swapped trailers for the bigger, wider, longer trailer. Wednesday morning picked up his new toy so now he is a "happy Camper".

Can you believe I did not get any pictures of all the wheeling and dealing going on with the trailers.......OH WELL old and forgetful is my excuse.........B


Monday morning Wayen decided he needed a larger trailer for hauling all his toys. He found one in Portland and made the deal, when he got home and measured the Kids Razor he decided he needed a larger trailer. Tuesday he called earlie enought to be able to get a larger trailer. Wensday we picked up the new toy. I can not believe that I did not take any pictures of all the wheeling and dealing.
Here is Wayne working hard on his list for the trip, I wish he would not over tax himself.

Ollie says "Let's Party."

Lame post (second try) but the best I can do for now. B


Wayne has been busy getting things ready for the Coos Bay trip. Monday he decided he needed a bigger trailer to haul his toys, made the deal and then found a larger one. Tue morning called and swapped trailers. Wed we picked up the new trailer. I can not believe I never took any pictures during all the wheeling and dealing.
Now to get things packed and ready to go......Wayne is also taking that very serious as you can see he is busy making plans.
Ollie says " to heck with planning and packing I am ready to party"

Kinda lame post but am keeping you imformed.......B