Monday, June 13, 2011


Sunday I jumped in the car and headed for Woodland. It was time for a Grand kids fix. As always they had several things to do so I just tagged along and enjoyed the day. First off Jon and Karla's youngest daughter graduated from high school. Her party was a BBQ for family and friends. Tri-tips and chicken was the main course which was yummy, nice tossed green salad, fruit salad, and a macaroni salad rounded out the rest of the meal. Lot of sweets but I did not even look at them since I can not have any. The cake pops Rhonda made looked wonderful, I even had to carry them to the car. Now was that fair? I think I just grazed most of the time we were at the party. I made sure I visited the cooks and of course I got a sample. We had to leave the party early since Jace has a band concert.
The concert was in Davis, there was 4 bands that played, Jace's band was the 2ND one up. I was able to go to his 2ND practice and what a difference a few weeks make. They played 3 songs and did very well. It was hard to get pictures since I was several row back from the stage. I was also visiting with Jace's Nana, but not while Jace was playing of course.

Before I headed home we had dinner at Vince's, good Mexican fool one of the Pearson's favorite places.
On the way home I managed to snag 5 gas receipts so I have a buffer for when we do not need gas. Only 16 more days with the gas promotion. My little gambling fund it getting fat.....YEAH.

All for now......B
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