Tuesday, June 28, 2011


We are parked in front of Tami and Doug's house for the next couple days. It rained, or should we had heavy mist most of the way here, a typical welcome to WA. Padro and Olie were the only ones home when we got here. This was the first time we have seen Padro (white one) he joined the family last year after we went back to CA. It is going to be fun with two little ones at Coos Bay.....I am sure I will be visited every night so they can run loose up and down the MH.

Here is Doug checking out the New TOY, he tired to not be impressed. Grandpa and Trace watching Doug before he went around the block. Cassidy is now taller than I am, she has grown so much since last year.

Checked out a new BBQ place "Goldies" not bad, Wayne liked there sauce. Wayne had the Baby Back sandwitch, and I had the Pulled Pork sandwitch, with no bread of course. I am sure we will give it another try, might just have to take Tami, Doug and the Kids sometime.

We are all settled in for the nigth so it is time to sit back and relax....... B
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Monday, June 27, 2011


We are in space B-23 if any one wants to come and visit come on, but make it quick since we will only be here overnight. We hit the freeway at 8:15 am and checked in at 1:11 pm. After getting everything set up I took a walk around the loop, even walked down to the river to a couple of pictures. Found a berry bush I think it is a blackberry only blooms for now. Oregon state parks are always so nice, not many people here, but it is Monday. Will head on down the road in the morning, no rush whenever the spirit moves us. Will be in front of Doug's house on Tuesday and on to Paradise Point WA on Wednesday. It is sunny but understand we could have rain by Wednesday, will be a nice welcome to Washington.

Later B
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Saturday, June 25, 2011


Today was Bryce's first All Stars tournament and the game today was a rough one on them, needless to say they did not win. Bryce pitched for a while till he got his arm hit with a ball, this is the 3rd time this year. His poor arm is all skinned up, my poor boy.

Jace and his friends were there playing with there iPod's in the shade. Rhonda was busy taking pictures, she takes after her Mother but she has a much better camera and so her pictures are better.....go Rhonda.

This was our last trip to Woodland Ca till mid August, when we get back from up North. It was a nice relaxing day, got home around 5ish, of course we hit the casino on our way home, had to get our free gas monies.

Fun and relaxing day..... more when we get to WA. B
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Monday, June 13, 2011


Sunday I jumped in the car and headed for Woodland. It was time for a Grand kids fix. As always they had several things to do so I just tagged along and enjoyed the day. First off Jon and Karla's youngest daughter graduated from high school. Her party was a BBQ for family and friends. Tri-tips and chicken was the main course which was yummy, nice tossed green salad, fruit salad, and a macaroni salad rounded out the rest of the meal. Lot of sweets but I did not even look at them since I can not have any. The cake pops Rhonda made looked wonderful, I even had to carry them to the car. Now was that fair? I think I just grazed most of the time we were at the party. I made sure I visited the cooks and of course I got a sample. We had to leave the party early since Jace has a band concert.
The concert was in Davis, there was 4 bands that played, Jace's band was the 2ND one up. I was able to go to his 2ND practice and what a difference a few weeks make. They played 3 songs and did very well. It was hard to get pictures since I was several row back from the stage. I was also visiting with Jace's Nana, but not while Jace was playing of course.

Before I headed home we had dinner at Vince's, good Mexican fool one of the Pearson's favorite places.
On the way home I managed to snag 5 gas receipts so I have a buffer for when we do not need gas. Only 16 more days with the gas promotion. My little gambling fund it getting fat.....YEAH.

All for now......B
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Tuesday, June 07, 2011


What a difference a few years make, found some of my old blogs from 2005, Jace was playing Tball. How cute is that? The now pictures are from this year, Jace coming home from a Leadership week end. Jace at one of my favorite restaurants in Davis Mermaids. Hey! Jace you and Mom had a lunch date without me.
Bryce his first year playing Tball, can not believe how little he was when he started. While playing he always had a smile on his face. Of course here is Bryce today and he is quite the baseball player. He practices before practice and after practice.....needless to say he love the game.

Some how I have ended up with 3 blogs, two different addresses, ran across my Yahoo blog and these are some of the pictures, also found some Hawaii blogs I knew I had posted but could not find. Today I tried to go back to the Yahoo blog and no way......new computer and it is also possest.

Another day gone and Wayne is getting a little stronger each day. Hit the casino and spent some of our free money. Does not take much to keep us Old Folks happy.

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Monday, June 06, 2011


Today is another cold day in Corning CA. Getting tired of this cold weather and so I checked the forecast for the rest of the week and was pleasantly surprised. Today is cloudy and with low 54 and a high of 67.
Tomorrow it is suppose to be high 81 low 60, Wed 84-60, Thur 88-61 and Fri 87-67. I will believe it when I see it. Just telling Wayne about Thursday getting to 88 made him complain about the heat and it is not even here yet. You know the old saying if you do not have anything to talk about you can talk about the weather.
Since Wayne's surgery on May 18 he has been on liquid diet. Needless to say he is so hungry. He is on what they call a clear liquid diet but he can have pudding soooo I suggested milkshake, so far he has not made a milkshake but he has all the stuff to make one. I feel bad eating in front of him but not bad enough to not eat!

Yesterday we made a trip out to the casino and played some of our free money. Cashed in $22. think we played $50 in two different machines. By the time we got to the casino the rib cook off was all done, which was a good thing for Wayne. Today I am not even going to the casino.....will wait till tomorrow when it is warmer.

That is all for today hope something happens tomorrow so I will have something to write about. B
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Saturday, June 04, 2011


Wayne from going to the casino and car show. First we had to spend some of my "saved" gas money from my club card. We used $30, played for about a half hour is we were lucky. Oh well can not really complain. This week end is the Rib Cook off and Car show at Rolling Hills, we were one of the few checking out the cars.
Rhonda skip over this collage and go to the next. Found this paint job quite interesting, not something I would want. A lot of different cars at this show.
The Mini cars are interesting. Mini Fire Department, Mom is taking a picture here, and the owner of the car set off the siren, hope she got a picture of the boys reaction to the siren. Morris Cooper is a Morris Taxi. Then there is your Rover Mini K9 unit and the license Mini Fuz. There are at least 3 more Mini's but these were the best.
Here are some of my favorites, the surfer "Woodie" ask them if they ever took it to Hawaii, they told me no but they have found parts for there car while visiting the Islands. There is a purple and white Chevy that I should have had in high school since our colors were purple and white. It needs to be a little more purple tho. It was nice to see a different variety of classic cars.

As you can tell it is still raining here in Corning, Doug and Tami are enjoying Sand Lake this week end and Tami said it was suppose to be in the 80's this week end. Now what is wrong with this picture, this is CA, it is June and it is raining and cold.

Wah wha wha B
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Friday, June 03, 2011


This morning Judy and I treated ourselves to breakfast at Hometown Cafe, good food and sassy waitress. After breakfast we went sailing Yard sailing that is.

On to the hospital to visit Wayne, the Dr came in and told Wayne he could go home today if he could eat liquid lunch and it stay down. So around 4:00 this afternoon he got his walking papers. He will be on a liquid diet for the next two weeks and then see the Dr. He has lost 20 lb's and with a liquid diet he just might loose more. I can eat in front of him no problem since I eat mostly vegetables.

Kinda nice to have the old fart home........B

Thursday, June 02, 2011


Wayne is doing some better today, after a CT scan and then a X-ray it was determined his digestive system is working it is just working slow. Tomorrow they will once again let him have clear broth several times a day to see how that works. Was relieved to here there were no blockage anywhere.

We all need to take a minute and say a little prayer for Wayne's nurses. He is being a hand full, has been telling anyone and everyone that will listen that it is cold and he wants a heater. A new nurse came in his room and asked if he needed anything and he said "yes I need a heater it is cold in here". She said she would see what she could do.......BINGO he got a heater put in his room. The nurse he was talking to was the Supervisor. Let that be a lesson to us all, if you want something whine, cry, beg, plead, and you just might get what you want.

One nurse was ready to kill him, she walked in and he was settling in his chair with a plastic bag over his face and his head tilted to the side. She yelled "OH MY GOD" rushed over to him......she was not happy. When I got there the first thing she said was "he is in big trouble" and then told me what he did.

I am keeping busy going out to breakfast and lunch with Judy, did go to Chico for some test and then had to go shopping while I was there. Hit the casino most days to turn in my gas receipt, it has to be at least $10. and they will put $10. on your club card to gamble with. Have been saving my money for when Wayne gets home and feels like gambling and then we can go crazy on there money. Today they said I had $165. on my card. It was such a successful promotion for May they are doing it again all of June.

That is it for now.......B

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