Saturday, September 11, 2010


that is right never again on a yard sale. Of course we all say that at the end of a yard sale, but this time I am serious. We did not have anything special to sell just stuff that has been laying around so it was time to put it back in service. Thank goodness for our Mexican community they were our best customers. We started at 7:00AM and ran till 12:00 PM. We would have had more customers if we had of put up signs, Wayne put two big signs on the Suzi with arrows pointing across the street..... we got rid of stuff so I guess it was a success.
This was what the trailer look like when we rolled it back into the garage yesterday afternoon. Everything not sold fit on the this morning late we rolled the trailer back out in the drive way, this time Wayne only had arrows pointing across the street. About 11:00 or so we started boxing up things that did not sell and put them at the curb with a sign that said "FREE". We headed out for lunch and our trip to the casino and when we got back everything was gone, even the free sign. I would call that a successful yard sale.

That is it for now, more later when something happens..... B
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