Saturday, September 25, 2010


No one will believe this but I have been very bad about taking pictures since Louise has been here. I will blame the casino for that since they do not let you take pictures inside the casino, and yes we have spent some time there. SURPRISE. I have won enough that I have a nice little gambling fund, not sure about the other two.

Went to "Hometown Cafe" for breakfast yesterday and it was quite good. Good enough that I should not do that very often, if you get my drift. I did catch Louise in a rare moment of kicking back relaxing.

Louise's grandson plays football for Shasta Jr Varsity and they played Corning last night and won. Louise and I went with Mary to the game, the first 3 quarters we had to sit on Corning's side because that is where the shade was. You know how Old Ladies are.

After the game Mary had to hurry home and bake a cake and get things ready for Doug's 16Th BD party which is Saturday.

After the game Louise and I went to Monte's for Chili Rellenos, and they are so good there made with fresh chilies. Louise has to go back to Redding today but I am sure we will be able to get at least a short tip to the casino before she leaves. We had not really done much since Louise has been here but we sure have been having fun doing nothing. Got to get better about pictures, will work on that............. Later B
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Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Friday we headed for Woodland, the last time we got to visit with the kids was when they make a quick stop here on there way home Labor Day week end. Looks to me like Gauge has grown more since I last saw him. The boys was surprised when we walked in. I played catch with Bryce, did not do to bad either. Needless to say this old lady tired out quickly so Jace took over for me.

Rhonda and I made a quick run to Costco and got a tri tip for dinner it was yummy, thanks Steve for manning the BBQ. Steak salad and Bread what more do you need. After dinner we watched "Letter to Julia" Cute movie.
Saturday morning first thing I had a message from Louise, she had arrived the day before from Hawaii. Called he back and discovered she was still in Woodland and going to visit her Aunt before she and Mary headed for Redding. We decided to meet at Don's Dinner for breakfast. What a nice unexpected surprise. Come to find out Louise's Aunt is in a nursing home across the street from Don's Dinner.

Jace's Leadership club was having a car wash (pix first collage above) so of course Popi had to have his car washed. The kids had a lot of fun washing cars between horsing around. The hardest working car washer was the little one pictured washing the tires on Steven's truck. She was so cute she would watch the bigger kids and then do what they were doing, only better.

Saturday afternoon Wayne and I headed for Cache Creek (surprise) got to playing a machine where you pop balloons, we must had play those machines for over an hour. Ended up with both of us making a little bit. Saturday night was spaghetti dinner and a movie at the Pearson's, Tiff, Spencer, Huggie, Ron Diana and us. It was a fun night the movie was "Guys and Dolls" the production that the boys were in this summer. It was fun to watch them and they had so much fun.

Sunday Morning we met Rhon, Steve, Bryce and Huggie at Don's Dinner for breakfast. I road home with Rhon so we could get some "shopping therapy" done before we headed north. Once again another successful trip to Woodland.

Thanks Rhon and Steve we had a good time................... B
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Thursday, September 16, 2010


Yesterday we headed East and did some caching, for the first time since we were on the coast in Aug. Ended up going halfway to Paskinta. We found 15 caches, we made sure they were nice easy finds. Love the evil grin on Wayne's face as he show-off his find. We found some wild turkeys, well they could not have been to wild since they just looked at us and kept on eating. Not sure but think I found a dragon, could not be sure since I did not want to get close, you be the judge. Some of the caches were found where the WPA had worked in the 1939-1940's. It was a fun day to get out in the country and get some badly needed exercise.
When it was lunch time I remembered that the bowling alley was open again and I was sure they still served lunch. It was so good to see Jerry and Bev back in the alley again, and there happy to be there too. Took the picture of Jerry to quick because after I snapping the picture he had the nicest smile. Once again Bev stayed out of camera range, she is good at avoiding cameras. To me the Alley seems smaller, they have done several remodels since I left there in 1986. There is a small snack bar with homemade pies, a bar, game room, and of course 10 bowling lanes. Had a long overdue visit with Bev and Jerry. Will have to stop in and try there breakfast something, it is a sure bet I will not be trying out the bowling lanes...

Thinking about going down to Woodland this week end, it seems like the Pearson's have an almost free week end. Wayne is ready to go somewhere, we will take the MH and park at the fair grounds. The fair grounds is just a parking lot but it has full hookup so that is all that counts. Hopefully Rhon and I will have a chance to get some shopping therapy. More later after the week end. B
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Monday, September 13, 2010


now that the tree is gone we can park the MH in the front yard with the slides out. Now visitors have a choice of the MH or the extra bed room. This Motor Home is about 4 feet longer than the old one and it just would not fit between the houses anymore. Now that we can open the slides I can rearrange all the cabinets for the 8TH time. Hopefully this will be the last time. We always carry more than we need, I am a good on for putting stuff in "just in case we might I need it".
Roy his Son and Grandson did a great job, very entertaining watching them work. They even let Wayne be the supervisor on this job. Now we need to have some dirt put between the houses and maybe some road base and things will be good.
Time to take it easy now since we worked so hard this morning, well it is hard work taking pictures you know!


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Saturday, September 11, 2010


that is right never again on a yard sale. Of course we all say that at the end of a yard sale, but this time I am serious. We did not have anything special to sell just stuff that has been laying around so it was time to put it back in service. Thank goodness for our Mexican community they were our best customers. We started at 7:00AM and ran till 12:00 PM. We would have had more customers if we had of put up signs, Wayne put two big signs on the Suzi with arrows pointing across the street..... we got rid of stuff so I guess it was a success.
This was what the trailer look like when we rolled it back into the garage yesterday afternoon. Everything not sold fit on the this morning late we rolled the trailer back out in the drive way, this time Wayne only had arrows pointing across the street. About 11:00 or so we started boxing up things that did not sell and put them at the curb with a sign that said "FREE". We headed out for lunch and our trip to the casino and when we got back everything was gone, even the free sign. I would call that a successful yard sale.

That is it for now, more later when something happens..... B
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