Saturday, May 29, 2010

Morris's Meet the Pearson's

Memorial Day week end started out with the early morning arrival of Doug, Tami, Cassidy and Trace. Needless to say I was sleeping and missed out seeing them when they got here.

This morning the Pearson's, Steve, Rhonda, Jace and Bryce met us at Rolling Hills Casino for the Breakfast buffet. It was so nice for all the kids meet and get to know one another. We all ate our fill and talked up a storm....good time was had by all.

Before everyone hit the road the kids needed to work off some excess energy by climbing the rock wall. I think Doug put them up to the climbing the wall all I have to say thank goodness we did not get caught.

After climb the Pearson's to the family cabin in Chester. It was a great way to start our Saturday.

Stay tuned for the next week end adventure........our trip to Chico.

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Monday, May 24, 2010

Dr Wold Retires

This morning I made a quick run to to Doc's office so I could tell him Good-Bye and Happy Retirement. It was early so I did not get to take to many pictures. I am so glad for Doc, but I am really going to miss him.

Could not stay and party because I had an appointment with Dr Wilms in Chico. Today was the reading of my yearly CT scan report and it was all good. It seems like longer than 2 years ago I had the lower lobe of my right lung removed. Thanks to Dr Wold early detection of lung problems.

Did a little Costco shopping, steaks for the week end since Doug, Tami, Cassidy and Trace will be here. YEAH really looking forward to seeing everyone.....they are even bringing there dog Ollie.

Here is wishing everyone a happy and safe Memorial Week End.......B
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Friday, May 21, 2010

California poppies.

Found California poppies growing along side of the road so had to take advantage of a photo op..... Wayne was off finding a cache, I was trying to get a picture of a bumble bee on a flower but it never happened.

Today seems like a kick back do nothing day, so far I have played on the computer.......imagine that. Did here W in the kitchen doing dishes, WHAT A GUY!!!

At some point today we will make our way to the casino, if we win big I will make a second post for today........ do not hold your breath on hearing from me again today. Monday Roll Hills Casino has another wallet give away and W and I have cards for the same day for a change. Keep your fingers crossed that one of us get a wallet with the 500 dollars. Last time W did get 20 dollars.......I did not even get a invitation to get a wallet.

Nuff rambling for today.......B

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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Mothers day Birthday and Baseball

Night caching with 4 boys and what fun that was, Rugger found the cache and he did not have the flashlight. The boys were so excited. Now they are bugging there parents to get them a GPS and take them caching.

Had to take some time out to enjoy Bryce's baseball game, always fun to watch.

Of course there is Gauge and Rhonda, if you did not know Jace won Gauge in a raffle at a "Turkey Federation dinner" needless to say Jace was so excited. Gauge was also welcome new family member.

My Birthday was May 1st and for once we celebrated it on my birthday I was treated to a seafood dinner at "Mermaids" in Davis. It was a fun time, I had a "bucket of junk" which was anything the cook felt like putting in the bucket. Thank goodness the boys helped me eat it because there was a lot of food there.

Cheese cake was my special treat, notice the before and after pictures. It was a fun time, nothing as special as Family time.

Here are some pictures from Mothers day week end. Bryce make Rhonda a flower pen with a real flower. It was so cute. I got a "Life is Good" back pack with I am sure I can put to good use while Geo caching and or going to the casinos.

Bryce is catching at this game, and see how Brother watches the game. On Mothers day I cooked breakfast for everyone. Here is Jace enjoying my wonderful cooking.......

Since Mothers day weekend Wayne and I have been doing the DR thingie. He has a date for surgery August 9Th. So now we can plan when we got to WA. I think W has sent everyone that info so will not go into that here.

Hope everyone enjoys my NEW blog and will do my best to keep it updated.

More later even if nothing is happening. B
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new old blog

Not sure what is going on with my blog but as long as it works who cares. this must have been a blog I started when I first got picasa and never did anything with. SOOOOOOOO I guess you do get second chances in this world.

Have not been doing much but going to the Dr's and going to the casions. Somtimes not fun being "more Mature" .

Will go ahead and post this just to make sure it works and then do some real blogging.

Later Crzoldy....Mom.....Becky
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