Sunday, March 18, 2012


You never know what your going to find when your in the desert. Not sure what kind of art you would call this but you must admit it is interesting.

Our day started with us meeting the McNeese's, and the Smith's for breakfast at Ligurta Station. As usual breakfast was good and the coffee only a nickle.

Did not know if we would be caching today since rain had been predicted. Well we got our caching in, 30 or more finds. Just as we found our last cache we saw the bad weather on the way.

We are now home and the MH is a rockin' and a rollin' but no rain yet. Rhonda sent a picture of snow coming down in Paradise CA. What is with all this weird weather all over the county?

That's all folks............... B
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Wednesday, March 07, 2012


Old men at play on the bombing range, here is Wayne, Dave and Frog checking out a tank.... they all decided tanks were not for them. The rock pile that Dave is standing in the middle of looks as tho it might have been a rock home at one time. Of course everyone has to have there picture taken with a catus. We found a few caches and manged to put 100 miles on the jeep. Make for a long but fun day.
Took a while but finally found an Ocotillo in bloom. Sometime you have to really look close to find the flowers. We did find a Gecko and a catus in bloom. Nice long day in the desert. Had a wonderful time showing Frog and Dave our Yuma. B

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Saturday, March 03, 2012


Today Dave and Frog arrived, a couple of Wayne's high school buddies. Fun hearing stories of high school days and none of them sounded execrated. Had to take the "boys" to Lutes for lunch.

On to Pivot point so Frog could play with the train, he so loves his trains. It was fun hearing him talk about the controls. We even found a cache and introduced them to the game.
Next the Yuma Territorial prison each time we go there I enjoy it as much as the first time. Always something new to see. Great pix of the prisoner "Frog". On to the Q casino in CA for a little gambling. Not BIG winners or losers in our group.
Drove around Yuma and found a few more caches. Starting to get dark and it had been a long day for the "boys" . Now they are all snug in there motel room and am sure they are sound asleep since they have had a long day. Who knows what tomorrow will bring...... B
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