Friday, February 24, 2012


Getting ready for the event started early, we got there at 8am and the pits were started, and the beans cooking. 436 people attended the event, we were hoping to break the 500 mark but did not happen this year
People lined up for the food line. This year there was two serving lines and it work out real well, it always amazes me how so many people can be fed in such a short time.
Lot of time to visit and find out about caches that you could not find. Telling stories of your favorite finds, worst caches, and the scariest trails. All in all a perfect day for a cacher. B

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Saturday, February 18, 2012


Today over hundred caches came out, the start of a fun caching week-end. It is Yuma Event #9 time. Bubble blowing flash mob at the fountain in front of Lutes in the afternoon. Big turnout, and a lot of people in the streets since there was also mardi Gras going on in Old Town. Look close and you can see bubbles in the pictures.
JJ and W getting ready for warm up #9, get a quick bite to eat before everything gets crazy. Lutes is a very unique place, you notice something new every time your there.
We had half the restaurant and so many people still could not get in it was so packed.
Tomorrow at 8:00am the Yuma Event #9's BBQ will get started.

To be continued.......B
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Thursday, February 16, 2012


RAIN!!! Well sprinkles to the rest of the county but rain here in Yuma, at least for a while this morning. Wayne was hungry for some good gravy so we headed for Ligurta Station. This is one of the few places in the country that still serves 5 cent coffee.

That's all folks B
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Saturday, February 11, 2012


is the name of the new cache Wayne put in the front part of our lot. Wayne waiting for his new cache to be published. He gave up on that so we headed for the Casinos. First Paradise and then later the Q, one in Az and one in CA, did not make our millions. We met friends for dinner at Outback and soon as dinner was over Wayne's cache was published. Got home and there was still 4 people trying open the cache. On the 257th try the cache opened. Well maybe not that many tries but it took a while.

Today first thing we had more cachers.....took a while but all made the find. Once again nice having a new cache in the yard, have met 5 new people and visited with 4 friends. The best part of caching.

Below is tells about the cache and I would call this one truly evil.......

Have you every tired of hides where you have to drive many miles and then find that the cache is practically a nano hidden in 100 square feet of rocks? Or, where the one, with a sadistic personality disorder, places a micro in the middle of thorns, palm fronds, lemon trees or other near lethal like bushes? What about the “puzzle” caches where you have to be a Philadelphia Lawyer, rocket scientist or some kind of engineer to comprehend or figure out the solution? And then there’s the dude who fails to double check his coordinates and has you looking miles away from the actual placement; or, maybe the one who purposely gives incorrect coordinates which are a 100 feet off? If you have other pet peeves just add them to the list. If you’re not one of those “nasty cache hiders”, please accept my apology.Well this is my attempt to exact a bit of revenge. This cache has a combination lock, don’t worry, the combination is provided with the cache at the cache location. (This is a changeable "Phone a Friend" may not work when you arrive.) there are 5 rows with 24 numbers each row and the combinations is somewhere on the sheet. At least he has the 4 numbers together you just have to try till you get it. OH Boy this is an evil one...... he changes the combination after each find.... BAD

Tomorrow is S*W*A*G breakfast so we will be out the door around 7am and then caching after breakfast, I hear we are going to head for Quartsite.......should be a long fun day.

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Saturday, February 04, 2012


Wednesday we found out there was a problem with caches we had replaced last month. Around 30 or 40 of them were missing. Bill, Berta, Don, Andy, Wayne and I made plans to check it out the missing caches. As you know any planned day of caching starts with breakfast, this time we met at Ligurta Station. On to the desert to check out the caches. Kootenay Pirates from B.C. are the people that gave us a "heads-up" that there was a problem. We met up with them later in the day and let us know all the other caches were just fine and they found them all. We had a good visit with KP's and they gave each one of us one of there personal Geo Coin. Very nice couple.

Friday we met Frank and Suzannah for lunch at Lutes. As usual Lutes was packed but we got a table right away. Good food good company what more can I say. After lunch we checked out River days street fair. Seems like the same vender's each time. Had some Ice Cream before we headed our separate ways. Thanks Suz & FO for a good lunch and visit.

On to the casino must lost......BUT today I won 10 bucks!!!!!! maybe my luck has changed.


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