Every year 55TH street here in the Foothills decorates for the holidays, telling the story "Night before
Christmas". Lot of people walk the street but just as many
drive down the street, as you can imagine we
drive......... maybe next year we can do the walking thing. Anyhow I was trying to get pictures and finally had to tell Wayne to slow down a bit. Must admit some to the Pix looks good but you can not tell what it is.

Here are some of my favorite
pic's, really hard to pick since everyone did such a wonderful job. Kinda puts you in the holiday spirit......

Loved this gingerbread house we spotted this on the way home.
Every time I look at this pix it makes me smile.
Yesterday on the way to the
Dr's office we could see a fog bank, the foothills was nice and sunny and downtown Yuma was
socked in with fog.
Now I would like for you to meet Suzie, she is the nurse that keeps me on track, even coming in on her days off just to take care of me, what a gal. Thanks Suzi.
Still waiting on reports from the
pathologist........takes time I know but I want to know